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Police pay more than 1,500 rapes of the crown: survey shows differences between cantons
A survey shows large differences between the cantons. The police praise the population. An event occurs surprisingly little.
Excursion weather, and in some places even carnival weather, prevailed in Switzerland in recent days. People frolicked outside and did not always obey the rules of the crown. This was reflected in the number of fines distributed. A survey of the entire cantonal police and city police in Zurich and St. Gallen revealed a total of more than 1,500 buses that have been distributed since the reintroduction of the corona buses on February 1.
The actual number is likely much higher because neither of the central Swiss bodies and Ticino police provided data. After all, it is known in the canton of Schwyz that around 100 buses were distributed around the illegal carnival activities around the Einsiedler carnival.
Police officers praise the town’s discipline
Law enforcement officers get an overall positive balance. When asked how they judge the discipline of the population, the body gave good to very good marks. The Appenzell Ausserrhoden canton police say the roughly 30 buses on display are the big exception. “Based on our findings, the population adheres very well to Covid measures,” says a spokesperson.
It sounds similar from Graubünden. There, the police are satisfied with the locals and tourists: “The disciplined population, as well as the guests in the canton of Graubünden, can give the canton police a good certificate,” wrote a spokesman. Not surprising: since February 1, only five fines have been distributed.
The statements of the cantons with urban agglomerations are not so euphoric. “You can feel a certain fatigue,” says Judith Hödl, chief of media for the Zurich City Police. It is noted that young people in particular want to go out and that is why sometimes there are meetings with more than five people.
From the canton of Bern, it is said that people sometimes reacted “not so sympathetically” to warning policemen. “It was different last year,” says spokeswoman Isabelle Wüthrich. In the city of St. Gallen, too, “you can see a certain amount of corona fatigue.” But with the vast majority of the population one is satisfied everywhere.
It is important for law enforcement officials not to immediately impose a fine for violations. Dialogue is sought first. It is notable that a fine is imposed for “participating in an inadmissible event”, amounting to 100 francs. The organizers of such an event must pay 200 francs.
Almost no fines for violating the mask requirement
It should be noted that buses are rarely sold for violations of the mask requirement in the station buildings or on the train. In Basel-Stadt, only one person who refused to wear a mask had to pay the amount of 100 francs. In the canton of Friborg, 6 of the 58 fines were due to lack of masks. The canton of Thurgau has been fined relatively frequently compared to other cantons. Of the 147 fines, none concerned a person who did not meet the mask requirement. In St. Gallen there were 9 out of 67. In Graubünden, on the other hand, the five buses were for masked sinners.
These figures do not take into account violations of the crown, which cannot be offset by a fine. For example, anyone who violates the ordered isolation and quarantine measures faces a fine of up to 10,000 francs under the Epidemic Law. As of Monday, meetings of up to 15 people can be abroad again.
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