Fight against cancer – Only 5% should smoke: EU wants a ‘tobacco-free generation’ – News


  • The European Union has presented a new plan to fight cancer.
  • This plan is primarily aimed at smokers.
  • In the year 2040, only 5 percent of all people in the EU should be addicted to nicotine; currently this proportion is around 26 percent.

According to official figures, cancer was discovered in 2.7 million people in the EU in 2020. 1.3 million patients died from the disease, which comes in many forms. In Germany, the largest country in the EU, cancer is the cause of a quarter of all deaths. Lung and bronchial cancer are the most common cancer deaths.

In Switzerland you smoke a little more

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According to the BAG, around 27 percent of the population smoked in Switzerland in 2017. That’s slightly more than the EU average in the same year: it was 26 percent. The EU country with the highest proportion of smokers is Greece with 37 percent. The fewest smokers are in Sweden, where it is only 7 percent.

When it comes to prevention, the EU Commission is refocusing on tobacco, which it claims is responsible for 15 to 20 percent of all cancers in the EU. The goal is a ‘tobacco-free generation’, said Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas. Specifically, in the fight against smoking, the Commission wants to toughen product standards, adjust minimum taxes, and take action against tobacco advertising on social media and sponsorship.

Health warnings on alcoholic beverages?

In the Commission’s view, alcohol is also underestimated as a cancer risk. Therefore, they want to ensure with the EU states that alcohol is less cheap and less available, that advertising is restricted and better informed about the risks. Here too, the EU tax rules need to be carefully analyzed. Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will also propose health warnings on alcoholic beverages.

But the plan against cancer is much more complete. In addition to prevention, treatment and follow-up treatment also need to be improved. At the moment, the chances of survival in the 27 EU countries are different, the commissioners said.

That is why they propose to ensure that at least 90 percent of risk groups for breast, cervical and colon cancer screening are offered in all EU countries by 2025. By 2030, 90 percent One hundred of affected patients should have access to national cancer centers, which should be networked in the EU.
