As in spring, restaurants and shops will also be closed, privacy will be further restricted.
“The number of infections is stagnating at a very high level and with the new, much more contagious variants of the virus, there is a risk of a rapid increase,” the Federal Council announced after its weekly meeting. Given the tense situation, it has decided to take new measures against the spread of the coronavirus.
Extension of closings: The Federal Council extends the measures decided in December for five weeks. The restaurants, as well as the cultural, sports and leisure facilities will remain closed until the end of February. This includes museums, cinemas, casinos, botanical gardens, and zoos, but also bars, clubs, and dance halls. Audience events are still prohibited.
Closing of stores with merchandise for non-daily needs: The Federal Council will also toughen national measures as of Monday, January 18. Shops and markets are closed. Stores and markets offering everyday products are excluded. It is also possible to collect the products ordered on the site. However, the regulation that stores, gas stations and kiosks must remain closed after 7:00 p.m. and on Sundays will be repealed.
Privacy is even more restricted: The Federal Council has also tightened the conditions for private meetings. While ten people were allowed to meet privately and in public spaces during the holidays, there will be five people as of Monday. Children are counted too: parents with three children cannot meet other people. The recommendation still applies to limit private gatherings to a maximum of two households.
Home Office Obligation: The home office is mandatory from Monday. Employers are required to organize a home office whenever possible due to the nature of the activity and it can be implemented with reasonable effort. The employer does not owe the employee any reimbursement for expenses, for example electricity or rent.
Mask requirement at work: When home office is not possible or only partially possible, a mask is required indoors where there is more than one person in a room. Anyone who wants to do without the obligation to wear a mask needs a certificate from a doctor or psychotherapist.
Protection of people at risk: People at special risk have the right to work from home or equivalent protection at work. If this is not possible, the employer must release the affected employees from their labor obligation with full salary. In these cases, there is a claim for compensation of income from Corona.
Ordinances of the Federal Council