Large amounts of snow on Tuesday caused chaos on Swiss roads. 20 traffic accidents were reported in the canton of Lucerne. Ten people were injured. Property damage caused by accidents is likely to exceed 100,000 Swiss francs.
At 3:30 pm there was a collision between two cars in front of a pedestrian crossing on the Mauenseestrasse in Knutwil LU. A driver was taken to the hospital by the ambulance service.
Traffic obstructions in the evening rush hour
An hour later, Root LU crashed. Five people were injured in the rear-end collision between three cars. At 5.15pm, a Renault skidded on the snow-covered road in the Falläsch area of Mauensee LU and crashed into an oncoming delivery van. The driver was seriously injured and the driver of the van was slightly injured. Both people were taken to the hospital by the ambulance service.
And also on the A2 at Emmenbrücke LU heading north there was an accident between a Ford and a tractor-trailer. A female driver was slightly injured and was taken to hospital by ambulance service 144. This accident also caused traffic delays during rush hour.
Three injured in Bern
And there was also an accident in the canton of Bern. The canton police reported 30 accidents across the canton between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Three people were injured.
Accidents in the canton of Glarus unfolded lightly. No one was injured. At Bilten GL, a 28-year-old BMW driver lost control of his car. The car skidded and hit the side of a properly oncoming Fiat, which subsequently spun out of control and collided with the highway fence and a traffic sign.
At 6.30pm, a driver collided with the tube fence at Fennen in Niederurnen GL. The 39-year-old lost control of his vehicle when he tried to pass in the direction of Niederurnen. The car skidded and hit the fence on the right side of the road. Also in Niederurnen, a delivery van crashed into the center barrier as the handlebars accelerated as it entered.
A 46-year-old man was in an accident on the A3 at Bilten GL on Wednesday morning. He lost control of his car while overtaking. It threw and struck the rear of the vehicle against the railing.
The Uri canton police report an accident in Erstfeld. There, a car collided with an island of traffic shortly after 8 p.m. Tuesday night. The breath alcohol measurement performed in the uninjured driver was positive at 0.92 mg / l. His driver’s license was taken from him at the scene and he has to answer to the Uri prosecutor. (man)