“Everything is going to ski, to ski the whole nation”, sang the singer Vico Torriani († 77) already in 1963. Despite the corona pandemic, the motto is already back in much of Switzerland, for example , in the cantons of St. Gallen, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Uri, Glarus or the two Appenzells reopen their ski areas. Other cantons such as Graubünden, Valais or Ticino have not even closed them.
The temporary blocking of the ski slopes was preceded by heated debate when the Federal Council drew up its package of measures for the holidays in early December. SP Health Minister Alain Berset (48) was playing with capacity restrictions nationwide on ski slopes, while other countries were completely closing their ski areas. The liberal policy of skiing is drawing criticism abroad.
Zoff on the winter seasons: You can still ski here(01:41)
But Berset defends the Swiss style in public. “Switzerland does not react to pressure from other countries,” Berset emphasized during a visit to the Basel area.
Possible retention measures
But the SP man doesn’t take foreign criticism as easily, like a late November confidential discussion paper on the festival package shows, that VIEW is out there. “The dimension of foreign policy should not be underestimated with a view to the next steps in relation to winter tourism,” objected Berset. That is why he was afraid of damaging his image.
The Health Minister does not rule out “that Italy, France and Germany will increase political pressure, especially on Austria and possibly also on Switzerland.” At best, these countries could even consider retaliatory measures. Berset also refers to critical reports in foreign media that would describe Switzerland as a “beneficiary of the crisis” and a risk of the virus spreading across Europe if the ski areas were kept open.
In the newspaper, Berset recalls his summer proposal to coordinate winter sports with neighboring countries. An idea that he dropped again before the resistance of the affected tourist areas. “The cantons and the industries involved did not see any added value in this coordination, so the federal government decided not to do it,” Berset says with a slightly offended tone.
“Advertising abroad is prohibited under any circumstances”
For the Swiss route, Berset is pushing for a permit and capacity restrictions in early December to provide a better image abroad. With nationally standardized and strictly controlled measures, not only must the number of cases be reduced, but at the same time “avoid that Switzerland suffers damage to its reputation as a tourist place if images of uncontrolled crowds are made public or if it is accelerated the infection rate at winter sports resorts and guests get the virus again Take them back home, ”he says in the newspaper.
The sole aim of the setting is to allow Swiss guests to practice winter sports during the festive period, Berset emphasizes. He also warns the tourism manager: “In no case should you advertise abroad and attract foreign guests.” And if neighboring countries take steps, such as quarantine rules, to reduce the attractiveness of traveling to Switzerland, “understanding” should be expressed in discussions with neighboring countries.
Cassis lights up
A steep step for the Foreign Relations department of the Federal Councilor of the FDP, Ignazio Cassis (59). Ticino also fears that good neighborly relations will deteriorate. In the official consultation, therefore, he insists that the ski decision is accompanied by “timely communication from Switzerland.” Its General Secretariat also requests that the Department of Foreign Relations communicate the decisions of the Federal Council to the “relevant countries”. That means: Cassis wants to smooth things over with the dramatic suit himself.
But the Secretary of State for Migration also urges consideration. “When implementing capacity restrictions, however, there must be no unequal treatment between tourists from Germany and other EU countries,” the SEM demands in the official consultation. The new regulations should not have any impact on the current entry regime, so the expectation. For example, ‘in particular, prior controls should not be introduced at internal borders’.
Berset’s appeal to foreigners
In the end, Berset did not fully penetrate the entire Federal Council: most of his Gspänli did not want to know about the capacity restrictions on the ski slopes.
So he finally finds another way to appease his European neighbors. With an urgent appeal: “Don’t come skiing with us, dear European friends!” The existing capacities are reserved for Swiss winter sports enthusiasts this year.
An appeal that was not heard by many foreigners, including Britons infected with the new mutant virus.