The second person is in France. The Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) announced Sunday. One is in contact with Schwyzer and the French authorities.
The two samples of the South African coronavirus variant were found as part of an ETH Zurich investigation. This has sequenced 500 people who tested positive. The South African variant was found in two samples. The British variant was not detected within this work.
Mutation was also detected in Great Britain
Two cases of the Great Britain variant in Zurich and Graubünden were reported on Christmas Eve. In recent days another case has been added in the Principality of Liechtenstein. This is demonstrated by the analyzes of the Basel University Hospital. The affected person is isolated.
At least two of the cases are people residing in the UK, where the mutated coronavirus first appeared. According to the “NZZ am Sonntag”, the person who tested positive for the new variant of the virus in the canton of Zurich is a Swiss who works in Great Britain and traveled home during the holidays.