Thomas Nick (37) killed four people in Rupperswil in December 2015.
The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment and imprisonment.
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The victims: Carla Schauer († 48) and her children Dion († 19) and Davin († 13) and Dion’s girlfriend, Simona F. († 21).
Joseph Khakshouri
The police turned every stone, but in the end it was the Internet giant Google that gave the decisive clue.
Five years have passed since the quadruple murder of Rupperswil AG. Five years in which, after a feverish chase, Thomas Nick (37), the murderer of Carla Schauer († 48), his children Dion († 19) and Davin († 13) and Dion’s girlfriend, Simona F. * († 21), arrested and convicted. However, the questions remain open to this day. Much has been speculated on how investigators discovered the killer.
On Monday, the “Aargauer Zeitung” wrote: The search for an antenna, which was previously considered a crucial piece of the puzzle in the investigation of the Rupperswil murders, was really only one indication of several. The expensive search method determines which cell phones were connected to the transmitter masts near the crime scene at the time of the crime. Although the killer’s number appeared, it was still just one in a mountain of data of around 30,000 phone numbers.