Cheap pistols in Brazil: Bolsonaro wants to use weapons to distract attention from the crown management – News



As the second wave of the crown rages in Brazil, the government is abolishing import tariffs on pistols and revolvers.

In Brazil, pistols are 20 percent cheaper. The impetus is the far-right president Jair Bolsonaro. The former army captain is a fan of guns.

Since he came to power, it has become much easier for civilians in Brazil to obtain weapons and carry them. Now Bolsonaro has made sure that tariffs on imported pistols drop from 20 percent to zero.

Distract yourself from your own failure

The fact that pistols and revolvers are getting cheaper in Brazil has nothing to do with public safety. It is a trick of the right-wing populist Bolsonaro, the audience learns on the news channel of the television giant TV Globo.

Bolsonaro is trying to distract himself from the growing problems with the corona epidemic. The president knows that easing the purchase of pistols and revolvers will trigger a heated discussion in society, and he hopes that the heated debate about his failure in the Corona crisis will subside.

Hospitals are overloaded

The Bolsonaro government considers the rules of distance superfluous and is now experiencing the second crown wave sweeping over Brazil. In seven substates, hospitals are already overloaded again. Every day there are 50,000 new infections. A total of more than 170,000 people have already died from the virus.

The Bolsonaro government is struggling to develop a national vaccination plan. Vaccination of risk groups alone should take half a year.

The abolition of small arms import duties creates incentives to buy in a country that suffers from organized crime and violence like no other in South America. In the last decade alone, 600,000 Brazilians have died in acts of violence.
