Corona vaccination start: the first Covid vaccines will be injected in Basel on December 28


After Swissmedic approved a corona vaccine, in December Basel began vaccinating people 65 years and older and residents of nursing homes. The start of vaccination in the Basel area is not yet clear.

In December, Basel-Stadt starts with corona vaccines

In December, Basel-Stadt starts with corona vaccines


After the Swiss approval authority Swissmedic approved the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine on Saturday, the Basel health department announced that it would like to start the vaccination campaign this year. It starts on December 28th. “Since the canton of Basel-Stadt only receives a limited number of doses of the vaccine, it is necessary to prioritize it. The canton is based on the recommendations of the Federal Vaccination Commission (EKIF) and BAG (Covid-19 vaccination strategy of December 16, 2020) ”, says the message. This means: In a first phase, people aged 65 and over and residents of nursing homes will be vaccinated in Basel. The Basel authorities emphasize that vaccines are voluntary and free.

Anyone wishing to get vaccinated should book an appointment in advance through a website or information hotline. But the health department will only provide more detailed information on Monday. However, reservations should be possible from 10am on Monday. The vaccination is carried out in the center specially enabled at the fair. However, spontaneous vaccinations are not possible, says the health department.

Mobile vaccination groups are provided for vaccination in nursing homes. But clarifications, especially with general practitioners, take a little more time. the health department will inform nursing homes more accurately on Monday.

In the Basel area, the first vaccinations are expected to start in January at the current Feldreben test center. According to the crisis team, a more precise date is not yet known. If Baselland receives doses of vaccination before the end of the year, the mobile teams could start with a small number of vaccines this year, as the crisis team says on demand.
