Nursing homes and nursing homes in Switzerland are overloaded, staff is overloaded. At the Schwanden GL retirement center, for example, 55 residents are currently infected with the virus and eight have already died. There are also 48 employees who are also currently infected.
In a Fislisbach AG nursing home, the situation is similar: here too, 20 employees are infected, there is a state of emergency. At least two residents have died from Corona, 50 more are currently battling the virus.
3 Corona-Tote at Fislisbach AG: The situation is precarious! Also in other cantons »(03:19)
But in no canton do so many Corona people die as in St. Gallen; here too, homes for the elderly and pensioners are particularly affected. Although dying is part of everyday life there, Robert Etter, president of Curaviva, is very concerned. “It’s emotionally stressful for caregivers when more people die than usual,” he tells “St. Galler Tagblatt ».
Curaviva is the organization that groups together Swiss households. The association represents more than 2,700 institutions throughout the country in the three areas of “children and young people”, “people with disabilities” and “senior citizens”. The member institutions provide a home for around 120,000 people and employ more than 130,000 people.
Etter also cares about visitors, who cause problems. About 10 percent of them would demonstratively remove their masks when visiting, insult staff and turn violent, he says. And: “There have also been cases where a house had to call the police because visitors flatly refused to abide by the rules.”
Corona measures questioned
For households, such behavior means extra and, above all, unnecessary effort, Etter says. If all of Corona’s measures are questioned, this will push staff to the limit.
“The reluctance of individual visitors coupled with the unpredictability of this nasty virus leaves us largely powerless,” he says. From their point of view, however, it is not the concepts of protection that have failed, but the people who do not adhere to them.
“Advise residents of the house not to eat during Christmas”
According to Etter, the 118 houses in St. Gallen are doing everything they can to ensure that the 6,500 residents have a good life in the community despite difficult circumstances. “All long-term care employees, even at Spitex, are doing extraordinary things today,” he says.
In order not to make the situation worse, Etter urgently advises against family members eating the residents of the house during Christmas. “If you do it anyway, you have to be quarantined for 10 to 14 days when you return,” he says. (support)