Police officers with video cameras: Bern police officers will soon carry body cameras – News


  • Kapo Bern uses video cameras specifically on the body.
  • The canton government advises that the camera can be turned on in individual cases to preserve evidence.
  • A new law is not necessary.

Rather, a change in the law would be required for the widespread use of such “body cameras.” The governing council currently wants to renounce this. Instead, the cantonal police must first gain experience with cameras in individual cases, the governing council continues.

Cameras can be turned on to obtain evidence if a crime is imminent or to be feared, or if a crime has already been committed.

Accepted by the population?

The mission also aims to show whether the cameras are accepted by the population and what effect they can have on the work of police officers.

The police are already recording videos, but not with body cameras

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The police are already using video recordings, for example, at rallies or other events. These recordings are very often used for law enforcement purposes to identify individual perpetrators or to document certain criminal acts.

However, body cameras are not used, but image and audio recording devices operated by video specialists.

According to the governing council, pilot and trial tests have shown that body cameras can be a useful tool for police officers, especially when working on patrols and personal checks, by helping to reduce stress.

Questions still unanswered

However, in Switzerland there is a lack of experience with the regular use of body cameras. The examples of nearby European countries do not allow to draw conclusions about an application in Switzerland, as the government continues.

A pilot test carried out by the Zurich police received a positive rating, but showed no statistically significant effects from body cameras.

No association support

The Association of Swiss Police Officers (VSPB) and its Berne branch, the Police Association of the Canton of Bern (PVBK) do not support the use of body cameras throughout the country, at least at present. The cantonal police directors conference is also cautious on the issue and has not yet made a recommendation.

Overall, the governing council concludes that there are still some unanswered questions. In addition to certain advantages, the use of a bodycam could also have serious disadvantages. Therefore, the governing council currently does not consider the widespread use of body cameras to be advisable. Rather, the police should now gain experience in individual cases.

Different goals

Bodycams are used abroad for different reasons. In the United States, allegations of excessive police violence, particularly against African-American citizens, increased. Police action should be made more transparent with body cameras.

In neighboring Germany and Austria, the main focus is on protecting police officers from violent attacks.

The use of body cameras by the Bern canton police dates back to a 2016 postulate of the parliament. This required a change in the law allowing the use of such cameras.
