Personal accident: the railway line between Bern and Thun is temporarily interrupted – News


Personal accident: railway line between Bern and Thun is temporarily interrupted – News – SRF

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  • Rail traffic from Bern to Thun was interrupted for more than three hours this morning. For travelers this meant delays, train cancellations and detours.
  • The disruption occurred shortly after 6 am between Gümlingen and Münsingen, as announced by SBB.
  • Around 9:30 am, the route returned to normal.

The cause of the malfunction was a personal accident. Travelers from Solothurn and Burgdorf to Thun had to travel through Hasle-Rüegsau. A replacement bus was organized between the Gümligen and Münsingen train stations.

Travelers from Basel SBB and Olten to Interlaken Ost had to go via Lucerne. Passengers traveling from Zurich HB to Interlaken Ost via Lucerne.

SRF 4 News, 03.12.2020, 8 pm;

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