Crown numbers in the canton of Zurich – Berset wants the cantons to move – and names 6 key figures


The Minister of Health wants the cantons to take more action if certain indicators are bad. How does it look in Zurich?

The downward trend has slowed: the number of people in Zurich who tested positive is increasing slightly again.

The downward trend has slowed: the number of people in Zurich who tested positive is increasing slightly again.

Photo: Dominique Meienberg

Health Minister Alain Berset (SP) has once again hardened the tone: the current situation in Switzerland “is very worrying,” he told the media on Thursday. According to “Look” Berset wants to toughen the regime towards the cantons. The latest draft of the Crown Ordinance establishes: “The canton will take additional measures if the epidemiological situation in the canton or in a region requires it.” Six indicators should be considered for evaluation. However, no precise limit values ​​are specified.

The doctor from the canton of Zurich now sees the need for action. At a press conference he said that due to the current figures, stricter measures will be indicated.

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