The latest on the coronavirus – BAG: “Vaccines are free, but not mandatory” – News


  • 15:16

    Swiss will rebook flights for free until the end of February

    All flights booked with the Swiss airline can be rebooked free of charge until the end of February 2021 and as often as necessary. Swiss thus extends its measure, which was originally in force until the end of the year, by two months, it reports.

    Due to the corona pandemic, Swiss made a new reservation possible at no charge. Since the end of August, it had also allowed multiple free changes to reservations. The free booking change extension applies to all new bookings for short, medium and long haul routes, as Swiss writes in their message. However, additional costs could arise for the customer, for example if the original booking class is no longer available when the booking is changed to a different date or a different travel destination.

    Swiss counter, a woman registers.



  • 15:00

    Masserey: “Organize purchases on time”

    “We recommend everyone to organize their Christmas shopping well. With shopping lists, not in groups and not at the last minute. These points are important and can reduce the risk of infection before the holidays, ”explains Masserey. This ends the BAG media orientation.

  • 14:59

    Why are vaccine depots secret?

    The military keeps the warehouses where vaccines are stored secret. The military conducts an ongoing risk analysis, says Daniel Aeschbach when asked. Your results and the exact reasons for the secrecy of the deposits are classified information. In other words: the army does not provide any information about it.

  • 14:47

    Is vaccination a priority for those over 65 years of age?

    “Yes, we prioritize,” says Christoph Berger. The over-65 group would come first, but it would also take young people with previous illnesses.

    Then gradually go down the age groups, adds Virginie Masserey.

    Also, Christoph Berger answers a question about pregnant women. These did not occur in the vaccination studies, so it was unclear whether pregnant women should be vaccinated. Pregnant women would not be counted among the risk groups now destined for vaccination.

  • 14:44

    Cantons must define vaccine stocks

    “There is close cooperation between the federal government and the cantons. The organization is not so easy, that is clear. First, we need to know when we will receive how many doses of vaccine. These are then distributed to the cantons according to population. The cantons are responsible for defining the storage locations for vaccination doses, ”says Virginie Masserey.

    “Now it’s about aligning our logistics concepts with those of the cantons,” adds Daniel Aeschbach, chief of the army pharmacy. “These agreements are now in progress.”

  • 14:41

    Can you justify leaving the clues open?

    The concern is justified, Virginie Masserey said. Everyone should be asked to drive carefully and not cause accidents. This is so as not to overload hospitals even more. But whether that will be enough is uncertain.

  • 14:37

    Can Christmas be saved?

    Virginie Masserey confirms that the intention is to be able to celebrate Christmas in smaller groups. But it would probably be a fun Christmas, because the number of infections would probably still be too high. The measures would have to remain in force, even during the holidays.

  • 14:36

    Can you make music at Christmas?

    Singing and playing wind instruments are potential dangers. This allows the aerosols to enter the atmosphere. The more people in a room and the smaller it is, the greater the risk of infection. Plexiglass crystals alone are not enough to fully protect people from infection, ”explains Virginie Masserey. Therefore, it is important to conduct music rehearsals outdoors if possible.

  • 14:34

    Is herd immunity a target?

    The goal is not herd immunity, but the clear goal is to prevent Covid 19 diseases, says Christoph Berger, president of the Federal Immunization Commission (EKIF). Therefore, all risk groups will be vaccinated first. If these are protected, it is also intended to prevent milder diseases.

    If the vaccines also develop immunities, if they also prevent the transmission of the virus. The investigation cannot say anything about this yet.

  • 14:31

    What percentage of the population do you want to vaccinate?

    We do not have a goal to vaccinate a certain percentage of the population, Virginie Masserey responds when asked. “But of course we would like to give everyone who so wishes the opportunity to get vaccinated. If all goes well, already in the first half of 2021. “The ordered doses should be able to be vaccinated for more than half of the Swiss population.” The vaccines will focus on adults.

  • 14:28

    What is your position in contact tracing?

    The question and answer session has started. The exchange between the cantons works basically well, says Rudolf Hauri, president of the Cantonal Doctors Association. Of course, there is still room for improvement in contact tracing.

  • 14:23

    Hauri: “The cantons have to organize the distribution themselves”

    Now this is Rudolf Hauri, president of the Association of Cantonal Doctors. “The challenge for the cantons is that they now have to organize the delivery points for the vaccination doses and the vaccination centers. There will certainly be protected cantonal storage or temporary storage. The cantons have to organize the distribution themselves ”, emphasizes Hauri.

    For vaccines, mobile vaccination centers are as conceivable as the involvement of pharmacies. “This organization is challenging and complex for the cantons. The costs of the vaccines will be shared between the federal government, the cantons and the health insurers. ”Vaccination must start at the same time in Switzerland in all cantons.

  • 14:19

    The army prepares for the distribution of vaccines

    Logistics plays a decisive role in the distribution of the vaccine, especially the logistics of the Swiss army. This is about to get ready. Daniel Aeschbach, the head of the army pharmacy, explains that you are in the middle of the process and are in contact with all the important departments.

    The task is to provide storage infrastructure and ensure distribution in Switzerland. All the necessary capacities to receive, store and distribute vaccines are ready by the end of the year.

    The military is primarily responsible for the vaccine journey from acceptance by producers to the point of acceptance by the cantons. The distribution of fines is the responsibility of the cantons.

  • 14:18

    People at risk get vaccinated first

    Herd immunity is not currently the goal, Berger emphasizes. “We want to specifically vaccinate people at risk and health workers first. Furthermore, vaccination currently does not replace other protective measures. “

  • 14:14

    Vaccinations will be free but not mandatory

    Virginie Masserey offers an initial overview of the Swiss vaccination strategy. “We have several objectives in this strategy. First, we want to reduce the burden of disease by reducing the number of severe cases and deaths. Second, we want to preserve the health system. The vaccines will be free, but not compulsory. “

    Claus Bolte, Head of Authorization at Swissmedic, adds: “The priority target groups for vaccination are people who are particularly at risk from Covid-19, then health workers with care contacts and caregivers of those at particular risk. . When these groups have been vaccinated, the vaccine will be available to all who want to be vaccinated. “

  • 14:11

    Bolte: “Confidence in our work is important”

    “Confidence in our work is incredibly important,” explains Claus Bolte, Swissmedic’s director of authorization. One will work (as always) with extreme conscience. Quick access is important, but certainly not at the expense of exam quality.

    The lamination process, meaning the ongoing exchange with manufacturers during testing, could also speed up the process.

    Analyze the current state of the approval process: data is constantly being checked, but important information is still missing from all candidates for a vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.). At this time, no approval can be granted.

  • 14:07

    Vaccination doses will be delivered in the first half of 2021

    Vaccination is eagerly awaited, Virginie Masserey continues. “We have signed contracts with three companies, with which we can vaccinate about six million people. We receive vaccination doses from Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Pfizer and we are in contact with other corporations to ensure that Switzerland has safe access to enough vaccines. “

    Studies on the various agents are promising, Masserey emphasizes. “The vaccines will come in stages and should be delivered in the first half of 2021. The quality and safety of the vaccines is our top priority.”

  • 14:01

    Masserey: “The numerical stagnation is worrying”

    Virginie Masserey, Head of the Infection Control Section of the FOPH, opened the press conference with words about the current situation of the pandemic. The number of cases appears to be stabilizing, the decline is slowing, according to Masserey. The tests are fairly modest, but rapid tests are on the rise. Hospitals are still overloaded, but there are still plenty of spare beds.

    The sharp decline in French-speaking cantons would show that the strict measures were effective, but overall the numbers would stagnate. That is worrisome. You need a further decrease in the number of infections to achieve a stable situation. Because the holidays are approaching, warns Masserey.

  • 13:53

    Welcome to the live ticker of the BAG press conference

    We welcome you to today’s live ticker from Point de Presse des Bundes. At 2 pm, several experts from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) will provide information on the Covid-19 vaccination. The following professionals participate:

    • Virginie Masserey, Head of the Infection Control Section, BAG
    • Daniel Aeschbach, chief of the army pharmacy
    • Christoph Berger, Chairman of the Federal Commission for Vaccination Affairs (EKIF)
    • Claus Bolte, head of authorization at Swissmedic
    • Rudolf Hauri, President of the Cantonal Medical Association
    • Mike Schüpbach, Deputy Director of Legal Section 2, BAG
  • 13:32

    The pandemic slows down the “life of stores”

    Better to shop around the corner at the local store than to flock to the big centers. The corona pandemic is causing small businesses to flourish. This is also the conclusion of a study by the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), which sees local stores as beneficiaries of the Corona crisis.

    The reason for this is the increase in work in the home office. Local businesses in residential areas benefit from this. Normally, a crisis leads to the notorious “commercial life” in the neighborhoods. At the moment, however, it is the other way around: “The biggest losses in sales are in very central locations. Businesses in residential areas are very busy for this, ”says Ursina Kubli, director of real estate research at Zürcher Kantonalbank.

    Turkish neighborhood shop.


    Cornerstone / file

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