Mortgage interest rates in Switzerland are still very low. Interest rates for shorter and longer terms have converged even more in the third quarter of 2020, as shown by the mortgage barometer of the comparative portal Comparis.
Reference interest rates for short, medium and long-term fixed rate mortgages measured in the comparison barometer fell slightly in this country in the third quarter. For the ten-year period it is 1.05 after 1.11 percent in the second quarter, for five years it is 0.91 after 0.95 percent and for two years it is 0.86 after 0.89 percent.
Interest rates stagnate at a low level
Information from the Comparis mortgage barometer is based on benchmark interest rates from more than 50 banks. In the quarter under review, the gap between five-year and ten-year mortgages narrowed, writes Comparis. A similar evolution can be observed in the comparison of prices of mortgages to ten or two years, where the differential of interest rates also decreased.
And the sideways trend will continue in the coming months: mortgage interest rates will stagnate at a low level, believes Comparis financial expert Frédéric Papp, according to the announcement. “Among other things, there is a lack of competitive pressure for a further significant drop,” Papp said.
There is no competitive pressure
In the past, pension funds and insurers had, in some cases, greatly expanded their mortgage business, causing interest rates to drop. But banks now offer similarly low mortgage rates, Papp notes. And the hunger of pension funds and insurers for additional mortgage deals is now largely satisfied.
Most banks finance the mortgage business with savings deposits. As a general rule, they earn zero percent of the money. “Mortgage interest rates will remain roughly at the current interest level as long as banks do not pass through negative interest rates,” says Papp. However, banks should be careful not to impose negative interest rates on large numbers of savers. the
The fear of a storm surge is simply too great, according to the financial expert. (SDA / dvo)