Usually the morning on the ferry in Konstanz (D) is very busy. Not so today. The barriers remain closed. Local public transport is paralyzed. Strike: in many regions and cities of Germany. Nothing works in the port of Constance until tomorrow morning.
«No traveler has come today. They have adapted to the failure of the ferry ”, says a forward to BLICK. But not everyone found out about the strike. The Swiss in particular are coming to port this morning.
Also Donat Schmidli (60) from Lucerne. The trucker has to take his delivery to Langenargen near Lindau. “Now I have informed my boss that I have to deviate. I can’t make it on time, ”he tells BLICK. But he is not angry. But: “At the border there could be information that there will be a strike today and not only when it is too late.”
Important doctor’s appointment across the lake.
Yvonne Aondio (57) and her husband Dorino (65) from Friedlisberg AG agree. You want to visit friends in Überlingen (D). “If we had known earlier, we would have taken a different route. So we lost even more time, ”57-year-old BLICK tells.
The same goes for a Thurgau handlebar. You have to go to the other side of the lake for a doctor’s appointment. He complains: “I was close anyway and now the ferry is stopped. That’s stupid. Stupid! “
Aargauer Lenker is angry
Most understand the strike. But not all. An Aargauer turns his car in front of the closed barrier. «That they have to attack. They are crazy, the Germans, ”he shouts from the car and, demonstratively, points the bird in the direction of the ferry. Then he sped away.
The German union Verdi has called for work stoppages to enforce a collective agreement across Germany for around 87,000 employees on local public transport. Until now, employers have been hostile to such uniform regulation. According to their own statements, the Association of Local Employers Associations (VKA) rejects the start of negotiations at the national level with simultaneous rounds of collective bargaining at the state level. There is a strike until Wednesday morning.
For Swiss drivers, this means: no ferry! If you want to go to the other side of the lake, you have to take a long detour.