A senior AfD official spoke about the gassing of migrants in a supposedly confidential conversation. Now the party acts.

Dismissed due to reports of inhumane statements: AfD parliamentary group leader Alexander Gauland (right) distances himself from Christian Lüth.
The AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag has removed its former spokesman Christian Lüth following reports of inhumane statements in the television documentary “Deutsch, rechts, radikal” (Pro Sieben, 8.15pm). The biggest political explosive in the film is the meeting of a senior AfD official, who has not officially confirmed that it is Lüth, with Lisa Licentia. At the time of the conversation, the YouTuber is considered the star of the right-wing extremist identity movement and is courted by the party. What the AfD official does not know: apparently, Licentia wants to break with the identities and the AfD; now they are too extreme for her.
Licentia’s meeting with the AfD official will be filmed with a hidden camera on February 23, 2020 without his knowledge. For legal reasons, it is not mentioned in the documentation and is not shown in the image. The only thing that is clear is that this is someone who is active in the AfD parliamentary group in an important position, at least at the time of the conversation.
This was prepared for the film as a retelling. Believing that he was on the same wavelength as Licentia and that he could get her to cooperate, the official comments on the party’s strategy, and increasingly in a sharper tone: “We have to make sure Germany is doing it wrong.” Why? “The worse it is for Germany, the better for the AfD. That sucks, of course, for our kids too. But that will probably keep us going. “
Anonymous for legal reasons
According to the report, his interlocutor then asks him if it would be in his interest if more migrants came. The party official then says: “Yes. Because then the AfD is better. We can still shoot everyone after. That is not a problem at all. Or gas, or whatever you want. I do not care!”
“Time online” he claims to have unmasked Lüth and justifies the appointment with “special public interest”. The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, says of the disclosure: “The statements attributed to Mr. Lüth are completely unacceptable and in no way compatible with the objectives and policies of the AfD and the AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.”
After the founding of the AfD, Lüth was the party’s first spokesperson and then press spokesperson for the parliamentary group. In the spring he was released after allegations were made that he had described himself as a “fascist.” More recently, apparently, it was being discussed for another role in the group.