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- The Axenstrasse between Sisikon and Flüelen reopens after being closed for about twelve hours.
- Small stones had fallen into the safety net in Gumpisch and triggered the alarm, causing the automatic shutdown at 00:30 on Friday.
Due to bad weather, geologists were only able to visit the accident area shortly before noon, as announced by the Astra Federal Highway Office. It showed that the sensors of the rockfall protection nets in the lower zone had been activated as a result of a small event.
This had automatically caused a crash. People were not injured. Neither the road nor the bridge was damaged, the road is open to traffic again.
Over and over closes
In mid-June, a rockslide in Gumpisch after precipitation caused the Axenstrasse to close for a day. It was the second rockfall in less than 24 hours.
In early May of this year, several hundred cubic meters of material fell on Axenstrasse. The warning infrastructure was also damaged. As part of the “Neue Axenstrasse” construction project, security will be increased. Currently, the entire project is blocked due to objections.
Axenstrasse is part of the A4 and connects Brunnen and Flüelen on the right bank of Lake Lucerne. Traverse the Gumpisch Rockfall Zone between Flüelen and Sisikon.
SRF 4 News, September 25, 2020, 02:00 am .; sda / head, indp
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