Juso’s initiative was debated in the National Council for almost four hours. Fronts hardened.
- The National Council advised Juso’s 99 percent initiative. Recommends the initiative with 123 to 62 rejection votes.
- The counterproposal of the SP and the Greens did not obtain a majority either.
- Opponents of the initiative argued that the adoption would result in an attack on prosperity and jobs in Switzerland.
With the additional income from capital income taxes, either the taxes of the low- and middle-wage earners will be reduced or the money will be used for social welfare.
“If you receive 100,000 francs in salary today, you will pay taxes on 100,000 francs. If you receive 100,000 francs in stock dividends, you will pay taxes on 60,000 francs. We want to adapt this system ”, explained Tamara Funiciello (SP / BE).
You have to start with those who have amassed capital, because: “It is not money that is lacking, but the will to do political justice,” says Funiciello.
According to Cédric Wermuth (SP / AG), this inequality in the tax system is unfair and causes the gap between rich and poor to widen: “Because we have a tax system that does not focus on human labor, but instead privileges the earnings of capital, the inequality between top and bottom is also increasing in our country. “
That should change for the one percent of the Swiss population who pay the most taxes, said Katharina Prelicz-Huber (Greens / ZH): “One to two percent of the population in Switzerland has as much wealth as 99 or 98 percent. percent of the population. In Switzerland we don’t have a money problem, but a distribution problem. “
Samira Marti (SP / BL) also argued in favor of accepting the initiative: “We can no longer afford the luxury of these rich people who hijack our assets and reap huge capital gains.”
“Initiative wants to open a gap”
FDP, center parliamentary group, SVP and GLP see it differently. Petra Gössi (FDP / SZ) pointed out the “formal weaknesses” of the squads. The initiative failed to define the terms “capital income” and “tax exemption.”
However, Gössi did not only raise formal criticism: “The initiative wants to drive a gap between the poor and the rich. The moral thesis is put forward that capital income is bad and labor income is good. ”Taxpayers would be pissed off at this initiative, Gössi said.
Leo Müller (CVP / LU) argued that the lack of definition of terms in the initiative meant that voters did not even know what they were voting on. The initiative would also affect SMEs that create jobs. “Family businesses would be greatly affected.”
SVP does not see the need to act
For the SVP, the initiative wants to solve a problem that does not even exist. In an international comparison, income from taxes and transfer payments is evenly distributed in Switzerland, said Thomas Burgherr (SVP / AG). “This is an attack on wealth.”
In his office, the Federal Council recommended the rejection of the initiative. Income in Switzerland is evenly distributed compared to other countries, he argued. Even today, a lot of money is being redistributed in favor of the underprivileged.
The Council of States will soon debate the referendum.