Vaud relaxes quarantine rules: tourism president concerned


Vaud of all places! The canton with the highest number of corona cases in Switzerland is relaxing its quarantine guidelines. All that’s left to quarantine is anyone who is in a relationship with an infected person or lives under the same roof. All others are decided on a case-by-case basis. And above all: work must continue even after contact with infected people.

“Borders closed too late”: This is what politicians say about the situation in Vaud(01:22)

Cantonal health directors do not enjoy this. “That, of course, is not what we want,” the health directors conference said. And the chief doctor of the canton of Switzerland, Rudolf Hauri de Zug, told the “Tages-Anzeiger” that the procedure was not untenable, but that it “no longer corresponded to the real idea behind the quarantine”.
