Coronavirus – Echinaforce vs. Corona? Study Co-Author Comments – News


Olivier Engler is chief of virology in Spiez’s laboratory. The study that led to the partial sale of the drug Echinaforce was carried out here.

The Spiez Laboratory examines various drugs for their antiviral effects, including the effect of drugs on the new coronavirus. According to Engler, the Echinaforce product has shown an inactivating effect on viruses in laboratory experiments.

But from this it cannot be concluded that it also has this effect on the human body, says the expert and co-author of the study: “We only tested the activity in vitro. In order to draw conclusions about efficacy in humans, clinical studies in humans would have to be conducted. “

A wrong conclusion

The virologist is very surprised that the drug is partially depleted. Research from the Spiez laboratory only shows an effect in the laboratory and in an artificial environment. The assumption that Echinaforce would help with the coronavirus because it also helps with colds is a wrong conclusion.

According to Engler, respiratory diseases are very different, and the coronavirus cannot be inferred from the effect of Echinaforce on colds.
