Letters between Kim and Trump: “Without me we would be at war”


This handshake changed the world: When Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met on June 12, 2018 at the Capella Hotel in Singapore, communism and capitalism also grew closer. The president of the United States and his North Korean counterpart spoke for almost two hours and the observers spoke of the final end of the Cold War. Even if the agreements that were made there remained vague and both parties diverged since then, Donald Trump always spoke of great success. Kim Jong Un, on the other hand, barely commented on the meeting and is not accountable to anyone in his power structure.

But now American journalist Bob Woodward has published excerpts from a total of 18 interviews he was able to conduct with Donald Trump in recent months. Among other things, Trump showed Woodward 27 previously unknown letters that Kim wrote to the president of the United States. The journalist was not allowed to copy it, he recorded its content on a recording device. Two of the letters have been published so far, the transcripts of which are available on CNN, for example.
