Federal court: senior vice president wants to oust Yves Donzallaz


The SVP parliamentary group recommends “its” federal judge Yves Donzallaz to parliament. image: keystone

SVP overthrows its own federal judge: responds directly

This has never happened before: the SVP parliamentary group recommends that “its” federal judge Yves Donzallaz be expelled from parliament. This hits the counter.

It is a premiere in the Bundeshaus: the SVP wants to recommend that its own federal judge, Yves Donzallaz, be removed from the general elections in two weeks. This is because the party does not like your judgments.

The values ​​of the judge and the party were “too far apart,” said a representative of the vice presidency after the hearing in front of the parliamentary group. Donzallaz was elected to the Supreme Court in 2008 at the proposal of the SVP.

In an interview with NZZ, Donzallaz was more appalled by the approach. It will leave traces that political pressure is being exerted to push the judges in a certain direction. “I am concerned now, but other judges could soon find themselves in the same situation.”

Donzallaz further told the NZZ, of course MPs can criticize the federal court. It only becomes problematic if criticism of a trial is combined with concrete threats against a certain judge so that he can decide differently in the future. “The SVP is instrumentalizing the judiciary for its own political ends.”

As the SVP writes in a statement, “both the separation of powers and judicial independence are a matter of course” for his group. For the party, the independence of the judiciary is based on the fact that the courts apply the laws passed by the legislature and the people. However, the SVP sees it as “problematic” in that “the judiciary derives more and more claims from international law, is spreading to the area of ​​responsibility of the legislature and, therefore, is becoming an” overconstitutional donor. ” the SVP, the people and the parliament are “effectively disconnected.”

The trials of the crime

The latest dispute between the SVP and its federal judge was sparked by a UBS ruling a good year ago. At the time, Vice-President Judge Donzallaz was involved in a lawsuit over the leading Swiss bank. The Federal Supreme Court thus forced UBS to hand over 40,000 customer data to France. With three or two votes, the decision of the Lausanne judges was extremely close. Yves Donzallaz also supported a 2015 federal court ruling that the free movement of people between Switzerland and the EU prevailed over the SVP’s popular initiative against mass immigration.

(amü / chmedia)

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