The Swiss ski stars were already working hard again in preparation for the season. “We don’t have a chocolate life here,” says Wendy Holdener when VIEW visits Swiss women in Zermatt on the glacier in August.
Last week, the life of chocolate was not discussed either. On Friday, the two-time combined world champion fell during slalom training in Saas-Fee and was seriously injured. Schwyzerin suffers from an undisplaced fracture of the head of the right fibula, as shown by studies from the Balgrist Clinic in Zurich.
“You don’t need an operation,” says Walter O. Frey. But due to the injury, the beginning of the season is in jeopardy, according to Swiss-Ski’s chief doctor. “The length of the healing process may mean that Holdener’s start to the first World Cup match in Sölden in mid-October is questionable.”
Holdener, of all people, who in recent years has earned the reputation of “Miss Unbreakable” in the World Cup circus as a very fit driver and was never seriously injured by it, must now shake for Sölden. The impact appears to be correspondingly profound. When VIEW asks if Holdener wants to comment on her downfall, the association rejects it. “She wants to take time to rest and to herself,” a spokesperson said. (for example, / like)