This year, Swiss tourism suffers the worst drop in history. There are far fewer guests from abroad, and during the closure, the willingness of the Swiss to book holiday apartments waned. This doesn’t just leave deep marks on hotels. The additional hotel industry is also struggling with low overnight stays.
Para-hotels include all types of accommodation that are not hotels. These include camps, youth hostels, or vacation apartments.
2 million fewer overnight stays
In total, the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) recorded 1.2 million overnight stays from April to June, as announced by the authority on the basis of provisional figures. In the same period last year there were 3.2 million overnight stays. At the height of the restrictions in April, overnight stays were 62 percent lower than the previous year.
The main reasons for the accident are travel restrictions during the lockdown. As a result, there were no guests from outside. Their overnight stays amounted to 104,000. The previous year, foreign tourists had spent a good million overnight stays in Swiss holiday apartments, youth hostels or campsites.
Also fewer overnight stays in Switzerland
As a result, the business depended on the natives. Swiss guests spent 1.1 million overnight stays on the additional hotel business. That corresponds to 91.5 percent of total demand. However, this is only half the level of the previous year, as figures from the FOE show.
The number of overnight stays decreased, especially in hostels and vacation rentals. The situation is different with the campsites: in June even more nights were spent at the campsites than last year.
Camping boom
After the opening, the Swiss stormed the campsites with tents or mobile homes – their overnight stays soared by 42 percent compared to June 2019, because travel to popular vacation countries is difficult.
Therefore, local tourists accounted for 86 percent of the Swiss camping business. (lui / SDA)