Looking for work in the crisis: For many unemployed people, looking for work was and still is extremely difficult during the corona pandemic. The federal government is aware of this. During the extraordinary situation, therefore, it suspended the obligation to present periodic proof of labor efforts.
As a reminder: before the crisis, most regional employment centers (RAVs) expected around ten application letters per month. This had not been the case since mid-March, the Secretary of State for the Economy (Seco) detained him. Since then, the crown months until the end of August have been billed as a control period. “We will check the number of jobs submitted individually, depending on the job availability in the industry of the job seeker,” said Isabelle Wyss (47), RAV coordinator for the canton of Aargau, in early July.
Are the RAVs familiar with the Seco rules?
But postponed is not canceled. The evidence is now due. “The unemployed fear for their money because of chaotic crown rules,” writes the “Berner Zeitung” in its current issue. Unemployment insurance only pays if you can show a certain minimum number of claims per month. Now, the RAV is apparently screwing over Seco’s rules and, depending on the canton, requesting written application efforts.
Several affected unemployed speak at the “Berner Zeitung”. An unemployed 61-year-old nursing assistant from Bern did not receive money for the first time because she had not registered the application attempts on the corresponding RAV form. A key account manager in Zurich has to provide evidence of half of the normally required applications, and an unemployed Lucerne teacher does not know how many application attempts she has to prove when asked.
Cantonal differences in the RAV
Obviously, it is handled differently from one canton to another, from RAV to RAV consultants. “There is federalist confusion”, so the “Berner Zeitung”. Daniel Lampart, chief economist of the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions, also has something to say. He confirms: “The confusion among the unemployed is great.” It demands clarity.
Seco asks those affected to present proof of labor efforts for the period from March to August no later than September 5. How many work efforts a person has to demonstrate, but neither the law nor the regulation clearly stipulates it (aurochs)