Author Sophie Passmann and moderator Palina Rojinski. screenshot: prosieben
At the end of Joko and Klaas’ 15-minute broadcast, the public’s throat closes
For the second time in a row, Joko and Klaas had won 15 minutes on their ProSieben grief show on their home and farm channels. On Wednesday night, fans were excited: What television trick did the two artists come up with for their second prank after simply filming the live RTL image last week?
But this edition of “Joko and Klaas Live” was supposed to take on a completely different tone. The two artists had tackled a very serious subject..
In fact, Joko and Klaas never appeared in the 15 minutes. Klaas had announced this very special (and, as it turned out a bit later, a very exciting show) on Twitter shortly before the start, he spoke of the “15 most special minutes” they would have made.
Journalists Sophie Passmann greeted the public in a dark exhibition hall. “This exhibition is not for children or for the faint of heart,” he warned the audience. It will be difficult, it will be bitter, but we have to go through that together now. Welcome to the ‘Men Worlds’ exhibition. »
What followed was a 15-minute campaign for female empowerment. Against unwanted sexualization, against sexism in everyday life, against attacks on the street, at work, in free time. Descriptions followed and also pictures that got under the skin.
Joko and Klaas let women tell unimaginable things
At first, the presenter Palina Rojinski showed a Dick-Pic, which had been sent unsolicited. And just a few seconds later, he presented a complete gallery of what he called “tails”. She explained:
By the way: sending thick photos is a punishable crime.
Moderators Jeannine Michaelsen and Visa Vie also gave their opinion, reading defamatory messages that they had been sent by men without being asked. In a message to Visa Vie he said: “She sucks at every rapper so she can get interviews.”
Influential and model Stefanie Giesinger also joined in, reading her private messages: “You’re not a model, go to playboy,” she said. Or: “God, that’s a rattle! Have you had your breasts amputated or have you never had one?
Collien Ulmen-Fernandes and Katrin Bauerfeind read the Instagram and WhatsApp chat stories in the following showroom, in which the women were sexually degraded or insulted.
Women report sexual assault
ProSieben colleagues and friends reported sexual assaults in everyday life: There was a taxi driver who suddenly put his hand on his thigh, the roommate of a friend who was assaulted. Or the stranger on the street who fired the offensive. The daily life of many women in Germany.
These “men’s worlds” displayed in the 15 minutes would continue after this broadcast, the moderator explained. Finally, she led the audience to a room that Joko and Klaas had realized together with the women’s rights organization “Terre des Femmes”. They curated the exhibition “What We Are Wearing”, in which women reveal what they were wearing during a rape.
Mini skirt? Low-cut dress? I just cliched thinking.
The recordings and voices of the off-screen women closed their throats when they saw and heard: “She was wearing a dark blue top, shorts, sandals, not even makeup.” Or: “A top and a shirt, nothing special. I have worn this outfit hundreds of times.
Overwhelming Recordings – This outfit was worn by a rape victim. image: prosieben
Viewers’ reactions? Fantastic, as these tweets show:
Joko and Klaas ended the program with a black banner: “To date, only 10 percent of all violations are reported.”
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