268 new corona cases in Lucerne over the weekend: this is how the numbers develop in Zug and Schwyz


In the canton of Lucerne, slightly fewer new corona virus infections were detected over the weekend than in previous days. The number of people in quarantine increased considerably.

(rem / sda) In the canton of Lucerne, 268 new infections with the corona virus were detected on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. These are slightly fewer cases than last Friday (134) and Thursday (103).

Number of corona cases in the canton of Lucerne


The number of people in hospital care due to Covid-19 increased from five to 18 compared to Friday. Two of them are in intensive care (+1).

The number of people in quarantine is increasing enormously

A total of 1,281 people are in quarantine in the canton of Lucerne, 479 more than on Friday. There are 754 people in isolation, 123 more than on Friday.

Also in the canton of Zug, the number of people who tested positive increased in the last 72 hours from 117 to 956 cases. 15 people were hospitalized on Monday, five more than on Friday. So far, ten people have died as a result of Covid-19.

Number of corona cases in the canton of Zug


The canton of Schwyz registered 244 new cases over the weekend. Overall, the number of those who tested positive in Schwyz rose to 1,596. Since Friday there have also been two more deaths, a woman and a man in their 70s and 90s. So far, a total of 32 people infected with the corona virus have died in the canton of Schwyz. 326 people are in quarantine.

Number of corona cases in the canton of Schwyz

