The crisis in the crown makes it possible: in the third vote on the introduction of a minimum wage in nine years, the electorate agreed on the matter.
23 francs per hour worked or 4,182 francs per month for a 42-hour week: All employees of the Canton of Geneva will be entitled to this minimum wage in the future. 58.2 percent of the electorate voted for the minimum wage initiative introduced by the unions in 2018, which all left-wing parties supported. 10 per cent of Geneva employees will benefit from the minimum wage, or 30,000 people who now earn less than 23 francs.
The result is surprising. Geneva’s electorate has increased by two in recent yearssubwayto the one pronounced against a minimum wage. In 2011, 54 percent raised a concern similar to today. In 2014, Switzerland voted on a national minimum wage initiative that failed in Geneva with a 60 percent no. Also for the last squad, things were initially looking bad. In October 2019, the Grand Council of Geneva spoke with 54 to 41 Vote against the initiative. And the cantonal government also recommended no.
How did the unions help your cause break through? As I didhnen, to refute the arguments of the business representatives? They had strongly warned against accepting the minimum wages Many jobs were lost. Instead, sponsors spoke in favor of continuing to rely on a functional partnership between employers and unions in wage negotiations.
A triumph for women
For a change of mind in Geneva, the Crown is likely to be the main one.-Krise. Despite the spreadr Hundreds of jobs have been lost in the canton of Geneva in recent months. Also: the canton wants to cut the salaries of its employees, the city of Geneva their current salaries except for wpus freeze. The population is concerned. The fear for job loss and wage dumping is big. The photos too of the thousands without a penny The people of Geneva who depended and still depend on free food have disturbed the people of Geneva.
It was also important: the argument that cross-border travelers in particular benefit from a minimum wage, see p.received fewer comments than in previous years. Furthermore, the French-speaking cantons of Neuchâtel (since 2017) and Jura (since 2018) have minimum wages without damaging their economies or leading to mass layoffs. is.
Manuela Cattani, general secretary of the Geneva union SIT, was delighted with a «historic triumph». She noted that of the 30,000 people earning less than CHF 23, two-thirds were women. The result is also a triumph for women. The fight for equal pay for men and women is not over yet.