1. SRG survey: corporate responsibility initiative with a big advantage – news


  • The group accountability initiative got off to a very good start for the November 29 vote.
  • A clear majority of 63 percent would have voted “definitely” or “more or less” yes in mid-October for more responsible companies.
  • Only one-third (33 percent) said they were “definitely” or “most likely” not at the presentation.
Corporate responsibility initiativePersonal voting intentions (in percentage)determined for itrather for thatDo not know not answerdefinitely againstrather againstSurvey period: October 5-19, 2020 Error range: ± 2.9 percentage points Source: gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSR2. 310418Four. Five

Defenders of the popular initiative, The link opens in a new window According to SRG’s first trend survey, “For Responsible Businesses: Protecting People and the Environment” have a 30 percentage point lead. Opinions on the presentation are already advanced and 68 percent of those surveyed have confirmed them. Only four percent remained undecided.

Downtown parties are crucial

The initiative requires Swiss companies to also comply with environmental and human rights standards abroad. You want to establish stricter legal obligations than before and action must be taken against violations.

At first glance, the corporate responsibility initiative corresponds to the pattern of a popular left initiative that is rejected by the bourgeoisie. This is also clearly evident in voting intention after party affiliation.

determined for itrather for thatDo not know not answerdefinitely againstrather againstSurvey period: October 5-19, 2020 Error range: ± 2.9 percentage points Source: gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSRone4010858112twotwo3994265230265fifteen244719two1814twenty-one1831246sixteen5sixteen2538Corporate responsibility initiativeVoting intentions by party affiliation (in percentage)GreenSPLPGCVPFDPPleaseNot Politic party

The submission is rejected by supporters of the SVP (58%) and the FDP (66%). On the side of the political left, on the other hand, opinions are made: the actions of themselves are 95 percent for the supporters of the Greens and 93 percent for the PS. In LPG it is still 78 percent.

CVP supporters still expressed themselves as supporters at 56 percent despite the slogan adopted by the parent party. At 63 percent, non-party affiliates are also among supporters. But despite the high level of approval, it is not yet clear whether the initiative will do so, says political scientist Martina Mousson of the gfs.bern institute.

It is not just a left-right issue, there are many more factors at play. “Ultimately, it will depend on the political center, the CVP supporters and those who are not part of the party.”

Most important environmental issues for women

In addition to human rights, the corporate responsibility initiative also explicitly emphasizes environmental standards for companies. In the public debate, environmental issues are currently very important, says Mousson: “That was seen in the 2019 elections, and also in the September vote. Environmental problems are emotional and move people and that leads to a high level of sympathy for this staff. “

The first trend survey shows how important the “gender” factor is in the corporate responsibility initiative: while 55 percent of men want to vote yes, it is 72 percent for women. More than half of the women “definitely” want to vote for the initiative.

mensWomandetermined for itrather for thatDo not know not answerdefinitely againstrather againstSurvey period: October 5-19, 2020Error range: ± 2.9 percentage points Source: gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSRCorporate responsibility initiativeVoting intentions by gender (in percentage)30eleven41738fifteen851953

For Mousson, this clarity is high for women, but not entirely surprising in relation to the environment issue: “We know that women tend to vote more ecologically than men on environmental issues.” Women are more motivated to participate politically than before.

In interviews, gfs.bern found that voting intention is increasingly the same. The political scientist sees this as an effect of the 2019 elections and electoral campaigns, which were very specifically directed at women in the previous period and which obviously affected them.

The 2019 elections continue to take effect.

In the decision on the corporate responsibility initiative, women thus played a decisive role, as the September vote also demonstrated.

Data collection and sample size

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The SRG trend survey was conducted by the gfs.bern research institute between October 5 and 19, 2020. In total, responses from 15,267 eligible voters were taken into account for the evaluation.


1,219 people residing in Switzerland with the right to vote were interviewed by telephone: 714 people from German-speaking Switzerland, 304 from French Switzerland and 201 from Italian Switzerland. The interviews were conducted by landline and cell phone.

This sample is weighted according to language region and is representative of Swiss voters. The statistical error is ± 2.9 percentage points. With 1,200 respondents and a result of 50 percent, the effective value is between 47.1 and 52.9 percent with a probability of 95 percent.

Online survey

In addition, several thousand people completed the survey online through SRG’s corporate unit websites. Once the data was corrected, the information from 14,048 voters could be used for analysis.

The distribution of online respondents by language region is as follows: 9,616 people in German-speaking Switzerland, 3,823 in French-speaking Switzerland and 609 in Italian-speaking Switzerland.

This collection of online samples was not random and the resulting sample is not representative. For example, the online survey included fewer retirees than youth and more men than women.

These data were approximated to the real conditions of the voters through weights. Spatial weighting factors were used, but also sociodemographic and political. This weighting optimized the representativeness of the sample.

How do you ask?

The interviewed voters each had five possible responses: “definitely in favor”, “rather in favor”, “I don’t know / no answer”, “definitely against” and “rather against”.

Surveys are instant

The gfs.bern research institute emphasizes that the results are not an early voting result, but a snapshot of the survey period.

Detailed information on the type of survey and the interpretation of the results can be found on the website of the institute gfs.bern, The link opens in a new window.
