Switzerland bans face ban

The result is that facial covering will be banned on roads, public offices, public transport, restaurants, shops and all publicly accessible places across the country.

According to official provisional results released by the federal government, the controversial proposal has the support of 51.21% of voters and a majority of 26 votes in the country.

The only exceptions are places of worship and other holy places. Wearing face ings will also be allowed if worn for health and safety reasons, due to the weather and in situations where it is considered a “local custom” to do so, such as at carnivals, according to the preamble text published by the Swiss federal government.

There will be no additional exceptions, for example tourists, as stated in the government document.

The proposal, introduced by several groups, including the right-wing Swiss People’s Party, does not specifically mention Islam, but is referred to in the Swiss media as a veil ban.

It has been criticized by many Swiss religious organizations and human rights and civil society groups, as well as by the federal government. The Swiss Council of Religions, representing all of Switzerland’s major religious communities, rejected the proposal earlier this year, stressing that the human right to religious freedom also protects religious practices such as the dress code.

Activists protested against this "Anti-veil" Initiative in Geneva on March 5, 2021.

The Swiss Federal Council, which serves as the country’s federal government, and the Swiss parliament also called the initiative too far-fetched and advised people to vote against it, according to government documents. Both organizations have proposed a resistance to the ban, which would require people to cover their faces and show them to police or other officials if necessary for identification purposes.

Opponents of the ban have also pointed out that it appears to be largely meaningless. According to a new book by Andreas Tanger-Janetti, a researcher at the University of Lucerne who has been studying Islam in Switzerland since 2007, there are virtually no veils in Switzerland and the number of people wearing the niqab is not limited to three dozen. most
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Sunday’s referendum was the culmination of several years of debate on the issue and comes 12 years after another referendum banned the construction of minarets in the country. According to the federal government’s website, two Swiss cantons – St. Gallen and Tikino – have in the past banned full-face masks. In many other cantons, full-face veils are currently restricted to protests only.

The result of the vote has been criticized by Amnesty International as “anti-Muslim”. The group said in a statement on Sunday that Swiss voters had once again approved an initiative that discriminated against a particular religious community, unnecessarily fueling divisions and fears.

Some European countries, including France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark, already have bans, bans on particles and local bans on facial ingots. France banned the burqa and niqab in public places in 2011. The ban was upheld by European Human Rights in 2014. In 2018, the United Nations Human Rights Committee said the ban violates the human rights of Muslim women and the risks are “limited” to them in their homes. “

CNN’s Arnaud Siad contributed to the reporting.
