Nene Leaks is iconic Real housewives of Atlanta The star who recently announced his departure from the show. After weeks of negotiations, “Delicious Peach” finally revealed that it would not be returning to the Season 13 series. Fans were shocked about his decision and others Housewives Were equally beaten. Garsell Bowais is one of Bravo’s personalities who has publicly shared what he thought about leaving the leaks. RHO.
What did Garsell Bowais say about Nassel Leaks?
Bowwais and Leaks have a friendship that has spread over the years. In fact, Lex hit him when he learned that Bowwais was joining Real housewives of Beverly Hills.
“When it was announced, I texted Cynthia and she said, ‘Girl, I’m so excited for you! You’re going to be great, “Bowais told Entertainment Tonight back in April. “And then I texted Nene and it came, ‘Giiiiral. They’re all lying, they’re cheating, they’re going to push you back.'”
Lex nodded to Bauweis about what she would take care of when she started it Housewives Travel. Now that Enjoy Flumme announced that she was leaving the Atlanta franchise, taking Bowwais by surprise.
“I was shocked to hear that news because, you know, I think it will go back.” Special. “It’s a big part of the franchise. But I think… maybe this will give her other job opportunities. Maybe it will come on BH. I think change is always good. Sometimes it’s scary, but I think, you know, it’s evolution. “
Bowwais is serious about leaks RHOBH As she also expressed it on social media.
“Nene leaks, a systa is helped,” the actress showed silence.
Related: Does Garsel Bowice want to return to ‘RHOBH’ season 11?
Why did Nene leave the leaks?
Although Leaks did not specify the exact reason behind her peach, she did point out the issues. This Fashion police Phatkadi shared the video and expressed that she was being treated unfairly. In a special clip she compared her actions to what she mostly lost in getting her own spin-show f show, Caucasian. Housewives Who were involved in similar situations but still got a spin off show.
“I have made a very difficult decision not to be a part of it The real housewives of Atlanta Season 13, ”Tara said on YouTube. “It wasn’t an easy decision for me … it was difficult.”
Leaks was the OG of the Atlanta-based franchise. The show began in 2008 and lasted for the first seven seasons. As his fame grew, Leaks set out to become a full-time Hollywood adventurer. He then returned for 10 seasons and gave fans three more amazing asons.
“You would never have told me that I would act on this little one and it has remained strong even after 13 years,” Leaks reflects. “I’m just so happy to be able to say that I was part of a genre that opened the door to black jewelry reality shows and to be part of reality TV, which we love so much now.”
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As Leake closed a chapter of his TV life, the reality star is moving forward but leaving her iconic moments behind. No one else Housewives The star that is more appropriate than the leaks … “I said what I said.”