We may have had our best looks so far in Super Nintendo World, Nintendo and Universal Mariotheme for Universal Studios Japan, and it looks like a level straight out of a Mario game and fell into the real world (through Entry)
Seriously, take a little over a minute of your day to watch this video of the park, from Twitter:
パ ー ク フ ロ ン ト ホ テ ル か ら 見 た SUPER NINTENDO WORLD
3/31 に も 見 ま し た が か な り 出来 上 が っ て い る
オ ブ ジ ェ ク ト も い ろ い ろ 動 い て い た し 点 検 も 行 っ て い る 様 子
オ ー プ ン 延期 に は な っ た け ど エ リ ア に 入 れ る 日 ま で 気 長 に 待 っ ま す # USJ # USJ フ ァ ン #SUPERNINTENDOWORLD pic.twitter.com/GMPGxa48sr– 29Qu (@ 29QuP2) July 1, 2020
There is only surprising attention to detail. Coins spinning in sync! Hidden pipes! A menacing Pirhana plant! A pile of Goombas! An angry Thwomp! Yoshi !! Every time I watch the video, I see a new smart feature that I had missed before.
If you want to get an idea of how big Super Nintendo World will be (and only how much of the Mario universe is packaged in it), check out this photo, shared in what appears to be a now-deleted Instagram post that was saved by Attractions Magazine. The amount of Mario the kindness in this photo reminds me of a Where’s Waldo book:
And to give you a better idea of how Super Nintendo World compares to other attractions in the park, here is a zoomed out photo showing the Harry Potter-close thematic medium:
However, we still don’t know when people will finally be able to explore Super Nintendo World for themselves. The area had been scheduled to open this month, but on Monday, that opening was delayed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Universal Studios Japan reopened in June, but with higher security guidelines in place.)
U.S do However, I already know a few things about the earth. There will be a trip based on Yoshi (if you look closely at the photos, you can see what they look like aligned with the Yoshi-themed cars) and one based on the hugely popular Nintendo Mario Kart Serie. Visitors will also be able to use a MarioThemed bracelet called “Power Up Band” in combination with a smartphone app to track your activities while you are in the land of Nintendo.
Super Nintendo World is also planned for Universal Studios theme parks in Orlando, Hollywood, and Singapore at some point in the future.