Super Mario 3D All Stars Review: Bare Bones Nostalgia Rap Zone

In the early 90’s, Super Mario All Stars Was one of the first titles to suggest important older console games such as the early 2D Super Mario Bros. Category – should not be stuck on obscure hardware that originally hosted them. The collection also popularizes the idea that old games can be improved by new technology while their original purpose is still preserved.

Now, 27 years later, widespread backward compatibility and regular remixes (including those from Nintendo) have become more of a concept than a revolution. thus, Super Mario 3D All Stars Feels oddly anti-climate.

On the one hand, it is a collection of three of the best 3D platforms ever created (at least, at least one of the best), in a format that is more easily compatible with modern TVs and portable switches. Factor. On the other hand, that’s all.

Other classic gaming collections try to prove their worth through new gameplay features and digitally preserved historical artifacts. Super Mario 3D All Stars There is a fairly bone-chilling collection, where Nintendo has done above the minimum amount of work to get these games running on new hardware.

Gaining control

Super Mario 3D -L-Stars product image

Super Mario 3D All Stars [Switch]

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To be clear, Nintendo has done one A little More than throwing away some old ROMs in a new switch-based emulator. For example, each game has been updated to refer to the user interface and game instructions, specifically the switch controls. (For example, the intro screen Super Mario 64 “Press Start.” Instead of “press +”) There’s also a pause menu that lets you quickly switch between the three included games or read through a single-page context for Mario’s control.

3D All Stars The switch also updates older Nintendo control plans to work with Joy-Cons and Pro Controller. In Super Mario 64, For example, the camera movement that was mapped to the four C-buttons on the N64 is now controlled by clicking the appropriate analog stick. That sounds a little strange, especially in a situation where a more flexible, free-to-move camera would be welcome (as we’ve seen in recent unauthorized PC ports). In general, however, the game’s default camera still delivers useful and cinematic viewing angles without usually interfering with my programming.

Super Mario Galaxy A little more gloss is needed to mimic the functions of the original Wii remote. For one, all of Mario’s important spinning punch moves can now be performed with the tap of the Y button, in addition to the usual controller shake. This is a welcome change that both increases the accuracy of the game’s critical in-game action and eliminates the need to constantly shake the entire switch throughout the handheld game.

Without the Wii remote, however, it is difficult to move the game’s “non-screen” star “cursor (used to pick up and shoot star bits and grab certain objects in-game). The cursor moves around based on very small movements.This is not as precise or intuitive as the Wii remote’s IR pointer, but after a little practice, it is usually accurate enough.

In portable mode, however, you control the star cursor by tapping or tracing your finger on the screen. This is a very annoying ask, you need to temporarily remove one hand from the physical control of the switch for a while while supporting the complete unbalanced weight of the switch with the other. It may be the best solution possible for a difficult use case, but mostly it is reminiscent of some of the most uncomfortable moments of 3D DS touchscreen tapping.

Rose glasses

It plays these games, except for minor changes and looks almost like their original counterparts (below 30fps to retract the frame rate Super Mario 64 And Sunshine). I say “almost” because that’s the feature in games described by Nintendo as “improved picture resolution” on the switch’s more powerful hardware.

The effects of this change are most significant Super Mario 64. There, basic UI elements like pixelated, blocky text have been replaced with characters that look simple on an HD display. And while the enemies and items in the game still appear in their original, ridiculously low-multicellular models, their sharp edges now come off like catchy retro.

Where Super Mario 64 The victim is in its environmental appearance, which does not seem to have been re-tightened for any sharp appearance on high resolution screens. Thus, fields of grassy or rocky mountains look like muddy messes, smelled in a less-loved way on a big-screen TV.

Sunshine And Galaxy Manage HD transitions better, with less visible artifacts appearing out of place after upscaling. Sunshine Even in the 16: 9 aspect ratio that fills the screen, it seems a little less claustrophobic.

Overall, though, there’s no bulk graphical overlord here to give a “wow” factor just like watching 16-bit versions of Mario’s 2D enemies in the original. All stars. By some bog-standard upscaling, Nintendo has managed to match these games with SD images that are firmly fixed in your memory.

Revisiting the classics

Leaving aside the minor changes, the question remains: does the early 3D adventures of the Mario game have anywhere, after 13 to 24 years of advancement in 3D game design?

Super Mario 64 Yet another absolute classic that introduced the vast gaming world to the fast, relentless movement in 3D gaming. The game environment may feel a little scattered and empty from a 21st century perspective, but the wide-open courses are still a masterclass in player-centric design, filled with small touches that gently guide players to the hidden objects they need to find. And while some of the game’s challenges now seem a little easier, analog sticks aren’t a new control instance, 3D All Stars There is a perfect chance to keep them alive.

Super Mario SunshineDisappointment, on the other hand, remains. There are a lot of interesting ideas in this game, the main one being the water-sprinkled hover nozzle – a talking backpack unit called the FLUDD – which gives Mario a more precise mid-movement than before. The heavy use of the game’s sun-filled visual design also strengthens the action in terms of location.

He said SunshineThe same gameplay focuses less on itself than it did in 2020. People feel more crowded in the field of play and often lack a keen sense of direction which is also a sign that players should move on. The controls also seem a bit squeaky and unsuitable for the Mario series, especially in bonus areas where FLUDD’s hover nozzle is soon removed. The need mero also seems less accurate than necessary, usually operating on an unguided swivel that needs fiddling in a continuous direction.

Super Mario Galaxy Both of these synthesize best in previous games. While the gravity-bending mechanics of the 2007 game may be distorted (especially when the camera is tilted when related to Mario), it allows for plenty of experimentation with interesting and challenging new environmental shapes and platform conditions.

The leap between small, individual planoids allows the game to maintain endless novelty and steady pace of novel ideas. And the spinning punch introduced in this game allows for easy control of motion near the end of the jump, giving the accuracy of the landing lost in previous 3D Mario games.

Is that all, folks?

At least two great in sports 3D All Stars That is, it is difficult not to dream of what this collection might be. Included Super Mario Galaxy 2, Which extends to the best ideas of some of its predecessors, for example, will be able to organize the package nicely (and basically reflect the choice of four-game All stars). A thorough overview of the graphics of the games, the last 24 years can also be a demonstration for progress in 3D rendering.

More than, however, like a collection 3D All Stars That would be a great opportunity to celebrate Mario’s recent history. Additions to the game, such as concept art, developer interviews, or even playable prototype areas, can give fans a new appreciation for the game, which many players may have already cleared up. And while the ability to play each game’s soundtrack within the game is great, the included songs aren’t hard to find all over the internet.

It seems small to ask for more than a package of 60s than to collect some of the greatest 3D platforming games ever created. At the same time, these great sports slapped ash collections demand more respect and attention than Nintendo put here.


  • You can still find some of the best examples of 3D platforming.
  • Controls are generally well adapted to the switch.
  • HD upscaling games feel as polished as your memories.
  • Playing these classics on the portable for the first time.


  • The original graphics show their age in places.
  • Super Mario SunshineFrustration in the control of.
  • Nothing extra from what we’ve been expecting from the classic gaming collection.


  • Absence of Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Sentence: Buy it if you miss any of these classic games for the first time or if you want to revive it in a more convenient form.