Studies suggest that the risk of a heart condition later in life may be higher in adolescents

Thirteen-year-olds, who weren’t very popular with their peers, were at increased risk of developing circulatory disease later in life, according to a new study released Tuesday. This includes a high risk for conditions such as narrowed and hardened arteries and abnormal heartbeats affecting the normal function of the heart and blood vessels.

“Although many don’t realize it, peer status is one of the strongest predictors of subsequent mental and health outcomes, even decades later,” said Mitch Princeton, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina.

While not involved with the research, Princeton said, some preliminary studies have found that our probability in grade school peers predicts more life outcomes than IQ, parental income, school grades, and pre-existing physical illness.

Princeton and the study’s authors said that Peer’s condition is a special form of popularity – a good prospect, rather than having a cool baby.

“A lot of people think of high-ranking kids who were very visible and impressive – hanging out in a smoking area during breaks and partying on the weekends. That’s another type of popularity, sometimes referred to as popularity,” said Public Health at Stockholm University. Said Yalva Qualkmist, an associate professor and senior lecturer in the Department of Sciences and author of the study, which was published in the BMJ Open Journal.

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“Peer status is rather an indicator of competence, and the degree to which a child is accepted and respected by their peers.”

Chronic health problems are usually explained by genetic factors or actions such as smoking, drinking or unhealthy eating, but research suggests that high-quality relationships are a major indicator of mortality.

Observation study

In this Swedish study, the researchers used data from the Stockholm Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study, which included everyone born in 1953 and living in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

The health of 5,410 men and 5,990 women was traced back to their 60s. At age 13, he was asked which of his classmates he would like to work with. They used the results to determine the “peer group status”, which they divided into four categories: zero nominations, which they called “marginalized”; One (“low position”); Two or three (“moderate position”); And four or more (“high position”).

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The researchers found that 30 percent of boys enjoyed a higher peer group status at age 13, slightly higher than girls (28.5%). About 16% of girls were classified as “marginalized” compared to 12% of boys.

Circulatory disease was more common in men than in women, but research has shown that the risk of circulatory disease in adults is 33% to 34% higher in both “marginalized” sexes at the age of 13.

In their analysis, the researchers said they were responsible for factors such as the number and status of siblings, school factors such as parental education and mental health, socioeconomic conditions and intelligence, academic performance and any criminal behavior.

But as an observational study, it can only show one link, and Alm Lmquist said there could be a lot of disclosures for the association.

“The general dilemma of this type of research is that we have the information we need to establish connections between childhood conditions and health outcomes in adulthood, but we know very little about anything that is happening in between.”

Probability of prolonged inflammation due to stress

Catherine Ehrlich, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Georgia who was not involved in the research, said one explanation could be the acute inflammation associated with the stressful experiences of the relationship between adolescence and adulthood.

“It’s understandable that stressful social experiences (such as social isolation) can lead to persistent unresolved inflammation, and if these levels persist over time, the risk of plaque in arteries, heart attack and other cardiovascular problems can increase.” Which was not associated with the research, Ehrlich said.

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“It seems that health behaviors also play a role in the progression from decades of low peer status to circulatory diseases decades later. Socially isolated individuals are more likely to eat unhealthy foods, indulge in excessive drinking and lead sedentary lifestyles. All of which can also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. “

According to Princetin, there is also a developed logic, which is “Pity Politics: Founding Happiness and the Success in the World to Match Care, to Match Care Relationships.”

“Our species are uniquely and remarkably connected to our social status because many years ago we relied on each other for safety,” he said.

“Research now reveals that social rejection activates the same regions of the brain that are known to respond to physical pain, and express dysfunctional DNA that prepares our body for imminent injury. Unfortunately, this response is no longer necessary. , So the expression of this gene makes us more susceptible to viral infections and is more likely to suffer from inflammatory related diseases.

He added that it is also possible that peer status is likely to provide people with higher resource learning opportunities – including issues that could promote their health.

“We spend a lot of time, energy and funds to think about factors that can improve children’s chances of a happy and successful life, but we have overlooked one factor that is probably the most important: the ability of children to connect well.” Others and like them are considered, ”he said.

For parents concerned about their children’s social lives, Alm Lamquist stressed that problematic experiences with peers do not automatically lead to health problems and that being a caring and supportive parent was a “protective factor.”

Ehrlich agreed that strong relationships between parents and adolescents could act as a buffer against problematic peer relationships. “Looking at these findings and understanding the concerns about more long-term consequences for adolescents who may be more socially isolated.

“In addition, many teens struggle with their peer relationships at one stage or another – it seems difficult to fit in or‘ find their people ’,” he said. “My advice to families is: keep trying. Join a new club, try to meet people online, put yourself out there – you never know who a lifelong friend might be.”
