Studies say that Covid-19 symptoms often appear in a special order

Researchers at the University of Southern California have found that CVD-19 symptoms often manifest in patients in a certain order. According to a scientific paper titled ‘Modeling of COVID-19 Features’ published in Frontiers in Public Health Journal, the team tried to find out the most common order in which the symptoms presented themselves. The goal was for healthcare professionals to quickly differentiate COVID-19 cases from other conditions with similar symptoms, such as the flu and allergies.

What is the order of COVID-19 symptoms?

Using data from the World Health Organization of more than 55,000 patients in China, the research team determined that fever was the first symptom of the virus. This is followed by coughing, then aches and pains in the throat, muscles and head, then nausea and / or vomiting. Diarrhea is the last symptom to appear.

“Our model Dell predicts that influenza starts with a cough, while Covid-19, like other choroid-related diseases, starts with a fever.” “However, Covid-19 differs from SARS and MERS in the order of gastrointestinal symptoms. Our results support the belief that fever should be facilitated for access to facilities, as regions begin to reopen after the spring 2020 outbreak.”

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This will not apply to everyone

These findings may help frontline healthcare workers differentiate new cases of coronavirus from the common flu flu, while other experts say the order of symptoms may not be the same for every patient. Another possible flaw raised by critics of the study is the issue of recall bias; That is, patients struggling to remember exactly which of their symptoms they had experienced before.

Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. of Wonderbilt University School of Medicine. “It’s not going to be ubiquitous,” said William Scheffner. “We know, for starters, that a lot of people don’t have a fever.”

This study may give some insight into why patients present themselves with Covid-19 symptoms, but the consensus in the scientific community seems to be leaning towards the idea that equal attention should be paid. Others Symptoms include shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and fatigue.

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