Stock market resembles ‘unfortunate Wile E. Coyote, running off the edge of a cliff’, says behavioral economist


Although the rally has bypassed probably the most important benchmark for stock markets in the world, the proximity of an all-time closing stop has made some investors uneasy to say the least. See full story.

Companies are considering stock splits following the announcement by Tesla and Apple, says expert

After Tesla and Apple Inc. – Wall Street behemoths due to their popularity among investors and their large valuations, announced plans to share their shares within weeks of each other – there has been a growing buzz that more companies with triple and square -Price share prices will follow in their footsteps. See full story.

Uber rides in California could stop, but Uber Eats still has a green light

Many drivers in the state have turned to delivery work, so an Uber and Lyft shutdown on worker classification could help reduce the impact on them. See full story.

Dr. Fauci does NOT ask people to politicize coronavirus: ‘We have been through a depression, we have been a world war. We pulled together through 9/11 ‘

The infectious disease expert said that aiming for 100% herd immunity, instead of keeping safety procedures and waiting for a vaccine in early 2021, would have far-reaching consequences. See full story.

In Battle Royale vs. Apple, Spotify and Match Group cast support behind ‘Fortnite’ developer Epic Games

“Fortnite” maker Epic Games is targeting a fight against Big Tech, and it is gaining the support of other leading app developers in the process. See full story.


The infectious disease expert said that aiming for 100% herd immunity, instead of keeping safety procedures and waiting for a vaccine in early 2021, would have far-reaching consequences. See full story.
