Steam refunds from Microsoft Flight Simulator will not count the time it takes to download the game

Microsoft Flight Simulator has finally stepped up, giving players the chance to tour the entire world without ever leaving their PCs. A globe-trotting air travel simulator, it’s also a game that requires a huge amount of hard disk space, which is not immediately clear when you purchase it via Steam.

While the download via Steam is only 532MB, that part of the game will then initiate the rest of the installation, which will pull a whopping 127GB of data through your internet connection.

Depending on your home Internet installation, this installation may take some time. Because the download is done through the game client, it wins the gameplay technically through Steam, which makes some people worry about their ability to return the game if they are not satisfied with it.

Steam currently lets you return a game and get a refund if you’ve played it for less than two hours, but Microsoft Flight Simulator will be a special case if players seek reimbursement when they return the product.

“The time it takes your machine to download the extra content will not be counted against the Steam refund policy,” VP of Marketing Doug Lombardi said in an email response to PC Gamer. Microsoft Flight Simulator’s GameSpot rating will land shortly, but until then you can check out our sister website Metacritic, where the current review score aggregate of 93/100 makes the game one of the most positive reviews of the year.

Or if you prefer something different, you can visit the skies and visit famous landmarks such as the apartment block where Buckingham Palace once stood. Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently out on Steam and Xbox for PC, and although a console version has been mentioned in the past, no concrete details have been revealed yet.

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