Stay safe from the coronavirus at the dentist

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that dentists treat patients only after evaluating them for COVID-19 and after weighing the risks of delayed care against the risk of potential viral exposure.

This is because dental care carries clear infection risks: Dentists and hygienists must work very close to your face and use tools that can spray drops. “Dental staff will now wear extra personal protective equipment, such as face shields, coats, and masks,” said Chad Gehani, DDS, president of the American Dental Association.

Your dental office may also want you to fill out a screening form (ask about recent travel, social interactions, and health history) and do a temperature check prior to an appointment. Some practices may have “virtual check-ins,” where patients wait in their car, sign up for the appointment on their smartphone, and receive a text when it’s time to enter the building. Inside, chairs on waiting rooms could be at least 6 feet apart.

Because rules vary from state to state, call your dentist in advance to find out exactly what protocols it has in place. Keep in mind that regular checks can be delayed: Crowns, pads, or bridges, for example, can take precedence over a cleaning, Gehani says. In the meantime, brush and floss regularly at home.

Editor’s note: This article also appeared in the September 2020 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

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