State of Decay 3 revealed for Xbox Series X, PC

During the July 2020 Xbox game showcase, Microsoft announced that a sequel to State of Decay 2 is being developed. Aptly known as State of Decay 3, the next zombie survival sim is still in the early stages of development. A new cinematic trailer has also been released showing the upcoming zombie sequel and its addition of zombied animals, but don’t expect any gameplay video.

A sequel to State of Decay 2 was first hinted at in a December 2019 blog post that revealed Undead Labs was opening a new studio. In a follow-up statement, a Microsoft spokesperson said: “[Undead Labs studio head and founder Jeff Strain’s] The vision to increase access and expand employment opportunities and game development is an independent project. Although not directly affiliated, Xbox Game Studios shares his vision of empowerment through games and is eager to support him in his efforts. “

Xbox Game Studio Undead Labs continues to oversee the franchise. Undead Labs is one of six studios Xbox acquired in 2018: Compulsion Games, inXile Entertainment, Ninja Theory, Obsidian Entertainment, and Playground Games, in addition to opening a new studio called The Initiative. In 2019, Xbox also acquired Double Fine Productions and opened World’s Edge.

The label of the platform at the end of the advance indicated that it will arrive for Xbox Series X and PC. That leaves out the console of the current generation, Xbox One, which may mean that the game is still years away.

As we get closer to the 2020 holiday season and the launch of Microsoft’s next-gen console, Xbox Series X, we’ve slowly learned what first-party titles each of these studios will bring to the future of Xbox. We Happy Few developer Compulsion is working on a “new universe”, Ninja Theory follows Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice with Senua’s Sage: Hellblade II, Obsidian releases the cooperative survival game Grounded, and, as just announced, Undead is Decomposition state in development 3.

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Playing now: State of Decay 3 Reveal Trailer | Xbox Games Showcase 2020

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