Star Fox 2 almost featured a human female pilot with amazing hair

Recent Nintendo leaks have revealed numerous older designs for SNES and Nintendo 64 games, including an irregular-looking Yoshi and our first look at a Luigi model within Super Mario 64. A leak is for a game that, while designed for SNES did not launch until 2017: Star Fox 2.

As Kotaku reports, one of the first designs to be leaked for the game shows a different lineup of co-pilots. One of them is a human woman, and her hair is amazing. We don’t know much more about it, but considering the absence of humans in the rest of the Star Fox series, it’s certainly interesting to see one here.

The woman is also black, which is significant since Nintendo has historically had few black characters. It was only the most recent Animal Crossing, for example, that started allowing you to choose black fur for your villager. In SNES, she would have been even weirder.

Unfortunately, the game’s lead designer, Dylan Cuthbert, doesn’t remember this character. “This is all very early in prototyping, we changed a lot of things,” he said on Twitter. Unfortunately, we probably never know more about this character, though we’re glad to hear that, at one point, she existed in the game.

Star Fox 2 is now available through Nintendo Switch Online. Unfortunately, this character does not appear in it. The game received a 5/10 in the GameSpot review, as it has not aged well. “Framerate issues and unsuitable technology for this style of play prevent Star Fox 2’s vision from being fully realized, but it is an important part of the game’s story that is kept alive with an official release,” he wrote. critic Michael Higham.

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Playing now: 7 minutes of Star Fox 2 in the classic SNES game

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