‘St. George trends on Twitter after Jimmy Kimmel shares viral video of anti-mask protests – St. George’s News

Hundreds attend the Liberty Action Coalition’s “End of the Musk Mandate Rally” on August 21, 2020 at the Washington County School District Office Fees, St. George, Utah. Photo by Holly Stark, St. George’s News

S.T. George – Although it has been four weeks since hundreds of anti-masks rallied in St. George, the event is still attracting a lot of attention due to Twitter.

During last month’s protest, which took place on August 21 in front of the Washington Washington County School District Office Fees, various residents, some of whom were affiliated with a group called the Liberty Action Coalition, spoke out against the government. Gary Herbert’s order requires all Utah K-12 students. And teachers wear masks in schools.

See St. George’s News coverage of the event here.

But it was an ABC News report about the same incident that was retweeted by Jimmy Kimmel, host of the popular television show Jimmy Kimmel Live! In a Twitter post made early on Monday, Kim called one of the people interviewed in the decision-making segment “the stupidest person in the world.”

Original post and video, created by a Twitter user tommyxtopher, Generated more than 36,000 likes and 4,000 comments, in addition to 8,100 retweets, including Kim, by Monday evening.

Due to the agitation of activity “St. George ”will be one of the top trending topics on Twitter on Monday. Some people apparently thought a new rally had taken place recently, but that was not the case. The following is a selection of recent tweets and reactions:

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