Spelunky 2 Game Review: Rogulite Perfection

Ana (center) is the star of <em data-recalc-dims=Spelunki 2, And after abandoning her to find treasure on the moon she is in search of her adventurous parents. “/>
Zoom in / This (center) is the star Spelunki 2, And she is in search of her adventurous parents after she leaves him to find treasure on the moon.


My latest work in Ars Technica revolves mostly around high-end gadgets like VR headsets, GPUs and next-gen consoles. It’s fun stuff.

But while swimming through the announcements of banned hardware and insane news, I come back to a video outside of the “next pay generation”.

Spelunki 2 Probably the “dated” game that I will slap on the “Ars Approved” sticker in 2020. The “special” adjective works especially well because the success of the game is largely and loudly based on the 2012 2D smash. Spelunky HD… and That The title builds on the 2009 freeware original 16-bit genius. (Which you can still download! Free for free! Next to its source code!)

A certain class of gamers will hear that “Spelunki 2 Everything about is good Spelunky HD, Just better “and not wanting to hear anything more. That’s reasonable (especially for players who will be finished on PC for the opening of the game in two weeks, after its PlayStation 4 exclusivity expires). Spelunki 2Like his predecessor, how he cleverly shakes a cup full of gameplay and level-construction elements, throws it on the table and shouts “Yahtsi!” Because it makes you look and feel amazing again. (Obviously, in the case of this game, “Yahtsi” is synonymous with “You’re dead!”, You’ll die again and again. Spelunki 2.)

No spoilers yet, swear

In between runs, you'll find a few underground villages unlocking the characters.  (The characters are just cosmetic, but it's still fun to highlight their audio-visual differences.)
Zoom in / In between races, you can find the characters that have been unlocked in a few underground villages. (The characters are just cosmetic, but it’s still fun to highlight their audio deo-visual differences.)
Spelunki 2 product image

Spelunki 2 [PS4, PC]

(Ars Technica affiliate programs can redeem sales from the links on this post.)

For that, this article is mostly spoiler free research of what it is Spelunki 2 Gets right as a sequel. Primarily, the good news comes in the form of things that haven’t changed.

If you never did Spelunki‘Before Ed, or if it took a while, here’s a refresher: the aim of each game in the series is to progress from the top to the bottom of a network full of cave treasures. Like in Super Mario Games, your side-scrolling, is the amount of speed and speed to run and hope in a 2D hero. As an Indiana Jones-style turn on style, your default arsenal includes a whip, the ability to pull on forks, and a limited pool of explosive bombs and climbing ropes. All of these major systems still respond like hell, and that’s crucial to what the game feels like Very good To control, because you need to master its pixel-perfect lips and dashes to avoid its chaos.

Each Spelunki 2 Layers are produced procedurally by shuffling and remixing a large selection of premium layer parts. Every time you die, your progress turns again to the top of the caves, you have a new remix of the world below you. By default, if you can’t remember the exact arrangement of monsters, traps, shoppers, items, treasures and secrets, then you optimize your options accordingly. This fact – combined with how dangerous elements of the game can clear the entire run in an instant – forces players Spelunki 2Cruel reality: get your work together or destroy it.

After my first three hours of playing Spelunki 2, I noticed for myself how much I was surprised to see new monsters, things, and instant … just to understand how much of that stuff was completely unchanged from the previous game. I show this because I am amazed at how many people Spelunki 2 Moments in 2020 look very fresh without changing the good ideas found in the year 2009.

Your default lt whip attack still has a dynamic amount “behind your back”. The bat still flies “straight” in a vaguely curved line at your hero, making them a surprising nuisance. The freeze ray is still a blast to use, especially when it lets you turn a dangerous enemy into a useful barrier of climbing ice. The monkeys are still freaking out shocks that exist perfectly to rob and annoy you. AI-controlled “assistants” are still insane that do more harm than good. Stuff like.

Mild spoilers start here

Instead of cutting or redefining the original tentpoles Spelunki, The sequel largely exists as a reaction to the game’s decade-old fan. Die-hard fans continue to play the original version, after all these years, and Spelunki 2 Provides fresher content especially for experienced spectators, in a way that can give anyone a smell on the game.

In a recent interview with Spelunkycast, series producer Derek Ua explained that one of the key design pillars for this sequel was to make it feel like an open world game, with the prospect of seeing “every” key game element in a single run. Like less. If you are going to play the game over and over, u base, why should it always lead from the mines to the ice caves to the forest? So, the first huge change comes from the thorny path in each race, where players get multiple “world” options after about four levels. When the environment is about to change, you will have access to at least two doors, and these will be very different in terms of enemies, challenges and traps ahead.

Without much wastage, some of these environmental changes include a new twist on “liquid” physics. Think about Spelunky HD, Where you may be forced to hit holes in the wall using your limited bombs to reach the treasure or make progress. Those are still factors Spelunki 2, But now, think about the volumes of fluid that could be transferred or dropped by the bomb, either intentionally or accidentally. Are there things in that liquid? If you swim through that fluid (a new maneuver in this game), can you reach new places? Can that liquid hurt you in one way or another? And if you have a freeze ray in hand, can you turn dangerous enemies into floating blocks of ice?

Let’s argue

In our initial tests, Kyle Orland and I of Ars Technica had different opinions about this branch path: which is safer, more fruitful or more interesting. Neither of us disliked anything in this branch path. It’s just so different to promote compelling odds – which, of course, is perfect Interest For a game that lives and dies through procedural pay generation. A great random-adventure game should not only be entertaining but also promote great watercooler talk among fans: “… and That The shopkeeper got angry, but he got hit, so I ran to run his loot, just in one corner I was trapped by a horned lizard!

Outside of that big change, there’s everything. More types of stores, including some that allow you to trade your accumulated wealth in a mysterious, treasure-filled vault for slot-machine bonuses or tickets. More items, including the deadly crossbow, can be reloaded with any arrows you find (especially the ones that come out of the traps). And more enemies and creatures to explore each level with new, dangerous possibilities, such as pesky moles such as rooftops and floors, and as such, turning innocent tunnels full of treasures into potential death traps.