Spain approves euthanasia law – CNN

Socialist Party MP Maria Luisa Carcedo said during the final debate that the majority in Parliament today is witness to people who are sick, who have been begging for this right for years.

He cites the case of a paralyzed Spaniard named Ramon Sampedro, who committed suicide in 1998, a story that was later told in the sc-winning 2004 film “The Sea Inside”.

According to a bill posted on the parliament’s website, Spain’s euthanasia law is a serious, chronic illness for people who are unlikely to recover and suffer unbearably.

The law, due to be implemented in three months, will close the existing potential prison terms for those who help others end their lives. Doctors will not be required to participate in ending a person’s life.

Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands already allow incurable disease under certain conditions, Reuters reported. The Portuguese president’s office said a Portuguese court this week struck down a constitutional law of unusual nature there.

The ruling Socialist Party promoted the law and gained the support of the smaller left and other parties. It was opposed by both the major conservative parties.

Thursday’s vote was the final step in becoming law.

‘One right, no responsibility’

The far-right Vox Party MP Lourdes Mendez told parliament: “You have chosen death over medicine” and vowed to appeal to the Spanish Constitutional Court.

“The new law will” provoke mistrust between parents and children. Today, there is reason to fear among the weakest people in society, “Jose Ignacio Icanese, an MP from the main opposition Popular Popular Party, told parliament.

But Spanish journalist Asun Gomez Bueno disagrees. She lost her husband, Louis de Marcos, in 2017 at the age of 50 to multiple sclerosis. He wanted to help with suicide or incurable disease and has since become a leading advocate of the new law.

“The last four years of his life (Luis) were completely paralyzed, but he kept his genitals intact,” Gomez Bueno told CNN. “There was no cure for his pain.” The pain was so terrible he didn’t want to sleep at night because he knew the next day would get worse. ”

“I don’t want anyone else to go through the same hell that he did,” said Gomez Bueno. “Euthanasia is a right that can only be exercised by that person. It is a right, not a responsibility.”
