South Carolina is above the national average of vaccine administration per dose received; Bell urges to ring at home in the new year

For immediate release:
December 30, 2020

Columbia, S.C. – A day after the Covid-19 vaccine was updated, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced that the statewide vaccination percentage received per dose received by the federal government is 1 percent, above the national average of 19 percent and others. Almost twice as many as the southeastern states.

“We continue to successfully roll out our state’s carefully designed statewide vaccination plan and the number of Phase 1A individuals who can currently get vaccinated is increasing every week.” Dr. Linda Bell, South Carolina State Epidemiologist. “Our main goal is to prevent further outbreaks of this deadly virus, and to vaccinate the residents and staff of our state’s irreplaceable medical workers and weak nursing homes and long-term care facilities. We are good at our way of meeting.” That goal. ”

Based on current dashboards and reports, usage rates (doses administered and doses allocated and / or Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are sent) indicate:

  • South Carolina: 35,158 / 112,125 (31%)
  • North Carolina 63,500 / 323,125 (20%)
  • Georgia: 52,242 / 372,900 (14%)
  • Alabama: 20,354 / 128,175 (16%)

The use of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently 19 percent, based on the COVID-19 data tracker, national vaccine administration percentage, shared dose, and first dose.

Dr. Belle reminded South Carolinians that while more vaccines continue to arrive in the state, South Carolina, like all states, has limited doses. He encouraged everyone to be patient and follow the guidance of public health officials.

“There will be an unknown amount of time before everyone who wants to be vaccinated can get the vaccine.” Dr .. Belle said. “We all South Carolinians continue to be patient and understand that such efforts take many weeks to complete the initial stages and months to achieve the ultimate goal of population coverage. When it’s my turn, I’ll be in the first line waiting to get vaccinated, but until then I will continue to do daily actions that will protect myself, my loved one and my community. It is mandatory for each of us to wear our masks, keep a physical distance, get tested regularly and stay at home if we are sick with any symptoms. ”

As South Carolina residents prepare to celebrate the New Year, Dr .. Belle warned of possible further increase in COVID-19 cases and urged everyone at home to take steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19: “I think it’s fair to say that many of us are looking forward to leaving 2020 – the year that has taken so much from so many of us – back then. But I join the public health authorities of the country and the world by warning that the celebration of the New Year could prove disastrous. The safest way to celebrate, it’s been this whole holiday season, it’s to stay home. A year that is full of sadness, loss and frustration, we can no longer give up. We must take our vigilance to 2021. ”

South Carolina Daily COVID-19 Update (December 30, 2020)

DHEC today announced the following COVID-19 upgrades.

Today’s cases and deaths (

Cumulative average (

  • Confirmation and probable cases: 280,024 / 23,451
  • Confirmation and probable death: 4,846 / 403
  • Tests for South Carolinians: 3,630,067

Testing opportunities ( testing)

  • Statewide testing opportunities available: 306

Percent positive ( dashboard)

  • 7,391 individual test results reported statewide yesterday (including antibody tests)
  • 31.4 %% percent positive

Facility reports

Detailed reports on the above information as well as county-level information, demographics and more are available at Website updated On weekdays from 1 to 3 in the afternoon and from 11 to 1 in the evening. Visit for the latest vaccine information.

Additional information and resources
