‘Zero tolerance’ for abuse of public transport workers, says Chee Hong Tat


SINGAPORE: Singapore has “zero tolerance” for any kind of abuse by its public transport workers, and travelers who do so, whether verbally or physically, must “be prepared to face all consequences of the law,” said the Minister. State of Transportation. Chee Hong Tat on Monday (October 5).

Speaking in Parliament in response to a parliamentary question, Mr Chee noted that the vast majority of commuters treat public transport workers and other passengers with respect, although a small number think they may “misbehave and get away with it. hers”.

Chee’s response comes after several incidents of commuters abusing bus drivers were in the spotlight over the past few months.

“I am very concerned about the recent cases of commuters verbally or physically abusing bus captains. His actions are wrong and unacceptable, “Chee said.

Bus captains have the responsibility to ensure the safety of travelers. This includes making sure they wear a mask to avoid the transmission of COVID-19, Chee said.

The government, unions, public transport operators and a large majority of Singaporeans are united to adopt a zero tolerance approach towards abusive behavior, he added.

READ: Man accused of assaulting the bus driver, SBS Transit says the defendant boarded the vehicle without a mask

READ: Two men recognized for helping the driver during the alleged assault; SBS Transit considering bus shields

In August, a Facebook user posted a live video of himself threatening to sue a bus driver who had refused to allow him to board the bus because he was wearing a neck gaiter instead of a mask.

The SBS Transit bus driver was seen asking his company for help as the man used abusive language with him.

In another case, in mid-September, a 52-year-old man was charged with voluntarily wounding a bus driver.

According to SBS Transit, the assailant had gotten on the bus without wearing a mask, putting on one only after being in the vehicle. He later hurled vulgarities at the driver and attacked him by grabbing him by the neck and neck before the police arrived.

SBS Transit has seen about 40 cases of bus workers being assaulted this year, up from 33 cases from all of last year, an SBS Transit spokesperson said. Mask-related assaults accounted for about half of the cases this year.

The Land Transportation Authority (LTA) will work with unions and public transportation operators to remind commuters of the dire consequences of abusing public transportation workers and raise awareness of commuter responsibilities, Chee said.

“The best way to protect our bus captains and recognize their contributions is to have the right social culture, one that is based on respect for our front-line workers,” he added.

“Let us continue to support our public transport workers so they can work in a safe environment and provide an essential service to keep Singapore running.”

READ: There is no excuse for physically or verbally abusing bus captains: Ong Ye Kung

In a follow-up question, Member of Parliament (MP) Saktiandi Supaat asked if LTA and the Ministry of Transport would be willing to conduct a review on ways to improve the safety of bus captains.

MP Melvin Yong, who is also the executive secretary of the National Union of Transport Workers, noted that the union is currently working with public transport operators to resume trials for the installation of a protective shield on public buses, and asked whether LTA would support the installation. shields on all public buses if current testing identifies a suitable model.

Adding that the LTA and MOT will take into account the comments of the bus captains, Mr. Chee said: “I think that an important consideration when we ask the bus captains for their comments will be to ensure that the installation of these protective shields does not when they are driving the buses.

“Previously, tests showed that when I put on some of these protective shields there was a little bit of glare, so I think that affected the bus captains. We will also have to look at that because ultimately I believe this is as much for the protection and safety of the bus captains as it is for the safety of the travelers. ”
