You are ready? PUB Campaign Highlights How Climate Change Threatens Singapore’s Climate and Coasts


SINGAPORE: Dramatic scenes of a couple rushing to protect a child from being engulfed by a wall of seawater. Prolonged dry periods and heavy rains.

A new campaign by the national water agency PUB aims to raise awareness about the impact that climate change could have on Singapore.

In a press release on Monday (March 8), PUB said that the campaign, called The Climate Is Changing, also emphasizes the need for Singaporeans to take action to protect their homes and livelihoods against the threats of climate change. .

The campaign aims to do so by highlighting four key areas: improving flood resistance, strengthening coastal defenses, safeguarding water security and reducing the carbon footprint through the use of clean energy.

A television commercial released by the PUB shows how, in a hypothetical future, extreme and unpredictable weather could result in heavy rain. The ensuing frequent floods and rising sea levels could threaten to engulf Singapore.

PUB said it is also leading the way against over-reliance on fossil fuels by building floating solar farms on reservoirs to power Singapore’s water treatment plants and reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

PUB’s annual water campaigns in March have typically focused on promoting water conservation and building a water-conscious culture, said Ms. Cindy Keng, director of the PUB 3P Network Department.

“With the Government’s launch of its Singapore Green Plan 2030, we felt it was also the right time to showcase PUB’s efforts to adapt to climate change, which has a serious impact on our water resources.”

“The threat is real, and PUB must demonstrate its ability to meet the challenge of ensuring we have a sustainable water supply, protect Singaporeans from sea level rise and flooding, and chart a greener future by harnessing the energy of the unlimited resource that is the sun, “he added.

PUB's new water campaign focuses on the fight against climate change (1)

The public can view key images of the Climate is Changing campaign at prominent MRT stations and bus stops. (Images: PUB)

PUB's new water campaign focuses on the fight against climate change

The public can view key images of the Climate is Changing campaign at prominent MRT stations and bus stops. (Images: PUB)

Internationally, World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22, a day designated by the United Nations to celebrate the importance of water.

Singapore’s World Water Day, which started in 2008, is also celebrated across the island throughout the month.

The inaugural # GoBlue4SG movement began in 2019 to bring together local community partners and businesses to “go blue” in their own way to show their appreciation for water in March.

On this year’s World Water Day, a total of 43 buildings and landmarks in Singapore will turn blue at night for the movement’s iconic City Turns Blue event.

More than 60 schools have also pledged “Water Wednesdays” by dedicating every Wednesday in March to water-related activities for students.
