WP Chief Pritam Singh affirms the party’s commitment to upholding robust alternative policies that represent the needs of Singaporeans in 2021


Opposition leader Pritam Singh

Below is the New Years message from the General Secretary of the Workers’ Party, Pritam Singh, delivered on January 1, 2021.

Singaporeans will remember 2020 as the year our lives came to a standstill. the
The global Covid-19 pandemic disrupted livelihoods and cast a shadow of fear and
uncertainty about society.

Many of us look forward to a new beginning on January 1, 2021. The circulation of
Covid-19 vaccines are an encouraging development and a remarkable achievement for the world. It is also a great reminder that Singapore must remain a
contributor to the global order, to benefit from it.

Parliamentarians, members and volunteers of the Workers’ Party have been involved and
serving Singaporeans throughout 2020. We have met with several of you in outreach and dialogue. We celebrate with many of you during the holidays. We have also shared their pain and provided intervention and support to the less fortunate to the best of our ability.

2021 will not be a bed of roses. Several economic sectors have not recovered.
Singaporeans have suffered job losses and pay cuts. Many have felt the void of social support and cherished connections due to meeting restrictions.

The Workers’ Party remains committed to serving Singaporeans in 2021. We are committed

  1. Advocate for robust policy alternatives that represent the needs of
    Singaporeans, as we have done this year with minimum wage suggestions,
    expand access to justice and optimize our reserves to nurture our
    Singapore workforce;
  2. Support Singaporeans on the ground with appeals, advice and assistance to
    to the greatest extent possible; and
  3. Continue our mission to build a moderate and fair Party that seeks
    provide a trusted alternative for voters and act as a balancing force for our
    political system.

We also appreciate the support shown to the Workers’ Party in this GE2020, and
along with him, the weight of responsibility and hard work required to earn his trust as we strive for a balanced and pluralistic policy for Singapore.

As we move towards 2021, I want to congratulate the resilience and social unity displayed by
Singaporeans over the past year. We have weathered this storm, and I am proud of
be a member of a united people that will stand firm in the face of
storms ahead.

To each and every Singaporean, I wish you a year full of success, good health and peace.
