Workers’ Party Dennis Tan GE2020 Campaign Posters Drew Complaints About Height Requirements, ELD Says Amid Tampering Claim


SINGAPORE: The Elections Department (ELD) confirmed on Monday (Aug 31) that it received complaints during the General Election that Dennis Tan’s Workers Party (WP) campaign posters were below the height requirement of 2 , 2 m.

The department was responding to Hougang Member of Parliament (MP) Mr Tan, who said in Parliament on Monday afternoon that a resident had seen some of his campaign posters “pulled down” from their original height during the elections. general.

Mr. Tan added that two complaints were made to the ELD during the General Election about their posters.

“Part of the first complaint included 13 allegations that my election posters were below the required height of 2.2m. With respect, my experienced volunteers were puzzled, as they were very confident that they had installed the posters to match. correct, “he said. .

After the first complaint, Tan said his volunteers “inspected and made the necessary corrections.” But two days later, a second complaint was filed that included similar claims.

He said this was “even more puzzling,” adding that a resident had told him that he had “witnessed” the Popular Action Party (PAP) team allegedly lowering their posters from the original height.

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“In the case of Mr. Dennis Tan, ELD confirms that both complaints regarding his signs were due to being below the 2.2m height requirement. This is to ensure that the signs do not obstruct the line of sight of motorists, “the department said in response to questions from the media.

When the department receives such complaints, it will ask the electoral agent to rectify the posters within three hours, “regardless of the political party,” he said.

“If this is done, no further action will be taken. In most cases, the corrections were made within three hours and no further action was taken.

“This was also the case for complaints regarding Mr. Dennis Tan’s cartels. ELD notes that Mr. Tan has acknowledged in Parliament that ELD has been ‘impartial’ in handling complaints received.”

In response to Mr. Tan’s allegation that a resident had seen the PAP team lower their signs from the original height, the ELD said it was a “serious allegation” but has not received “any such reports” from Mr. . So.

“Mr. Tan should submit a report to the ELD so that it can be investigated,” the department said.

The ELD said it received more than 220 comments and complaints from members of the public and political parties regarding posters and banners put up by candidates and political parties for this year’s general elections.

The infractions included posters and banners that were less than 50 m from a polling station, that did not have the Return Officer stamp and that were below the 2.2 m height requirement.
