Woman endured sexual abuse from her stepfather for more than 20 years


She called him dad, but for much of her childhood and adult life, he was more of a torturer than a father to her as he turned her life into a nightmare.

He moved into the family apartment in 1990 when she was just three years old, about a year after the death of her biological father.

When she was seven years old, he started sexually abusing her, a crime that would last for more than 20 years, as she was silent in fear until 2017 when she finally reported him to the police.

On Monday, the bus driver, now 66, pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual abuse after he changed his mind about going to trial. Seven other charges of sexual abuse and two charges under the Film Law were taken into consideration.

He cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim.

In her presentations to District Judge Jasvender Kaur yesterday, Assistant District Attorney Sruthi Boppana described how the woman had struggled with feelings of distress while enduring the abuse alone because she was not sure who to turn to for help and was afraid of overwhelming her mother. .

“These incidents will be on me forever,” the woman said in a victim impact statement.

“I’m just waiting for him to die so I can escape the past and restart my life, forgetting all those dirty memories.”

Noting that the facts of the case were unprecedented, DPP Boppana requested the maximum prison sentence of 10 years, plus another 71/2 years in lieu of flogging. The man cannot be spanked because he is over 50 years old.

“This is the worst case of sexual abuse involving acts of outrage of modesty that has appeared in court to date, both due to the duration of the crime and the nature of the criminal acts,” he added.

The man rented a room with the victim’s family in 1990 before marrying his mother in 1999.

The victim and her younger brother had their own bedrooms, and her mother often slept in the latter’s room across the floor. The master bedroom was next to hers, so the man was able to enter her room without being seen.

The five crimes for which he was convicted included an incident in 1999 when she was in 6th grade and needed help inserting a suppository for constipation.

Since her mother was not around, she asked the man, who took the opportunity to abuse her and undress her.

In an incident in 2003, the man lay on top of her and performed a grinding motion. When he exposed himself, she feared he was going to rape her and pushed him, causing him to fall and twist his shoulder.


But the frequent abuse continued and in 2013, he confided in his younger brother, who suggested that he close the door to his room.

The man still went in because the lock was bad. When the lock was replaced in late 2016, the abuse stopped for a time.

On February 21, 2017, the man used a spare key to enter their room when they were alone on the floor. He abused her for 40 minutes, during which she texted her brother to tell him she was scared and wanted to die.

The man stopped only after his friend, whom he also texted, called her. She spent the night at her friend’s house and made a police report two days later.

A psychiatric report found that he had symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

DPP Boppana said the victim feared that no one would believe her or that her mother would blame her, and she thought her only way out was suicide or buying her own apartment when she turned 35.

She had persistent nightmares, woke up afraid that her stepfather was touching her, and still avoids relationships with other men.

“The victim will never be able to regain his lost childhood or the innocence that the accused had so cruelly desecrated, nor will he be spared lasting emotional and psychological damage,” DPP Boppana said.

As mitigation, the man’s attorney, Wee Hong Shern, cited his client’s praise as a bus driver and said the crimes were his only crime.

Looking for six years and 10 months in jail, he said the man had also been a victim of sexual abuse when he was younger.

Judge Kaur reserved her decision on the sentence. The case was postponed until December 1.
